From November 9 to 10, 1938, after the rise of Adolf Hitler to the heights of power, the first mass pogroms of the Jewish population in history took place in part of Austrian territory and in what was then Germany The leading role in violence and looting belonged to the paramilitary units of the SA and the most active supporters of Nazi ideology It was with these pogroms that the mass genocide of the Jewish people began, which, in the words of Adolf Hitler, was supposed to finally solve the Jewish question
The night streets of Austrian and German cities and towns were strewn with shards of glass from broken windows of houses, shop windows and shops owned by Jews Public places were also subjected to pogroms and attacks: synagogues, libraries and other institutions The abundance of glass fragments on the sidewalks and roadways gave the name to this terrible night - “glass (crystal) night” These few hours of the night became not only the beginning of active actions to implement the “racial policy of the Third Reich,” but also a standard for other actions in relation to their fellow citizens on the principle of dividing them according to nationality, social or other grounds The absence of any reaction from the world community and citizens of Germany and Austria to this pogrom became one of the reasons for subsequent disasters in World War II
To perpetuate the memory of this inhumane night and prevent its repetition in any form, the International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism was established, celebrated around the world annually on the ninth day of November The initiative to establish this memorial day belongs to the International Network against Racism, which involves more than fifty thousand organizations operating in fifty countries
Unfortunately, the problem of anti-Semitic actions has been replaced by the ideas of Islamophobia and anti-immigrant hysteria Those who, out of their own stupidity or desire for benefits, succumbed to them do not realize that all this is not a problem of one people or followers of any religion The change of the “scapegoat”, the belief in one’s own superiority over other peoples or citizens are the seeds from which problems will grow that are in no way inferior to those that faced humanity in the middle of the 20th century Sprouts from these seeds and their fruits can put peace on Earth under an even greater threat than it was in the last century and even question the existence of man as a species in particular and the biosphere of the planet in general
The most amazing fact is that among the peoples who suffered the most in the Second World War and made a huge contribution to the destruction of Nazism, among the descendants of the liberators of the world from the brown plague, pro-fascist organizations are again not only active, but also officially registered, and are also praised and elevated to the role of national heroes - Nazi servants This shows that Nazi ideology was not uprooted, and therefore this memorable day retains its relevance and importance for every person, regardless of his religion, social status, race or place of residence
Considering the alarming events of recent years, propaganda measures that support the policy of elevating any group of people above the rest, which is destructive for states and humanity, are becoming so important Particularly important is the promotion of Nazi crimes, thematic exhibitions and other events, as well as explaining all the consequences of the actions of neo-Nazi organizations among young people, who are the hope of humanity