October 6 is a fun gastronomic holiday - Garlic Lovers Day A plant from Central Asia, which was cultivated more than 5 thousand years ago, has a special taste and characteristic smell Garlic was used as a seasoning for dishes in Ancient Greece and Rome, China and America long before Columbus discovered the continent The Egyptians deified this vegetable crop - they used the heads as money, gave them to slaves to increase stamina, and placed them in the tombs of the pharaohs to make the afterlife easier Garlic Lovers Day is celebrated by everyone who is partial to this most popular plant of the Allium subfamily
The cloves of the plant not only add piquancy to the taste and aroma of your favorite dishes Garlic contains vitamin C, sulfur, iodine, sugar, polysaccharides and allicin, an essential oil that is a powerful antioxidant In addition to helping the body fight colds and aging, cloves do an excellent job of killing parasites Genghis Khan's recipe, with which the commander treated his warriors for helminths, is simple To cleanse the intestines of worms, the crushed heads should be swallowed without chewing before bed Garlic boiled in milk is used to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, with honey and lemon - to treat angina pectoris
Since ancient times, it was believed that the plant helps in the fight against energetic influences - the evil eye, damage, etc Bunches of garlic and onions, woven into braids, were hung on the walls of the hut to protect the house from evil spirits and evil people The boyar, who went to receive the prince, put on a caftan, under the lining of which 12 teeth were sewn Garlic was supposed to protect against possible aggression and negativity from the head of the throne
In India, talismans made from plant heads were used by ordinary people and representatives of the upper classes to protect the aura from energy attacks They rubbed themselves with garlic, dooming themselves from a possible bite from a rabid dog or crawling snakes To attract money, garlic peels were placed in a wallet in the evening on the waxing Moon; for good luck, they were planted in a pot and the sprouted feathers were used for cooking
If for medical purposes the cloves help in pureed and chopped form, in the form of tinctures or decoctions, then for magical purposes - exclusively in general Wearing garlic beads for 13 days protected our ancestors from plague, intestinal infections, jaundice and hepatitis There is very real confirmation of this superstition - phytoncides, volatile substances from the composition of cloves, together with essential oils, have an antibacterial and antiviral effect on the body So, in 1720, garlic, together with vinegar, saved the inhabitants of Marseille and a number of cities in Provence from the bubonic plague
What's the best way to celebrate Garlic Lovers Day? Of course, cook a dish that contains garlic in the recipe You can weave, as our ancestors did, beautiful beads from heads, threading a red woolen thread or ribbon along the entire length, and hang the amulet in a visible place On holiday, the cloves are planted in a pot, and winter garlic, if you have time before the first autumn frosts, is planted in open ground On Garlic Lovers Day, you can post on social networks about the health benefits of the fruits of this plant True garlic fans around the world do this and much more on October 6th