“I will not part with the Komsomol, I will be forever young!” - sang N Gnatyuk, I Kobzon and other Soviet pop artists in the 70s of the last century The Komsomol was associated with youth, student hikes with gatherings around the fire, construction projects of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, Magnitka and Turksib, and the development of virgin lands The birthday of the Komsomol is considered to be October 29 - the date of the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth in 1918
Two years after its founding, there were about 500 thousand people in the ranks of the movement VI spoke to its members in 1920 at the opening of the Third Congress Lenin The organization's circles worked in Petrograd, Moscow and other large cities of the Land of Soviets Initially, the movement was called the All-Russian Union of Communist Youth (VSKM), which in 1924 began to be called Lenin’s in memory of the leader of the world proletariat The ranks of the organization consisted of young men and women who, after reaching 28 years of age, joined the ranks of the Communist Party
Over the years of the movement's existence, Komsomol members have contributed to the heroic chronicle of the history of the USSR In 1930, the Komsomol, “a loyal and fighting reserve of the party,” took part in eliminating mass illiteracy through universal education programs During the years of the first five-year plan, members of the union taught more than 45 million secular citizens to write and read They raised the country from the ashes at the end of the Civil War, more than 11 million Komsomol members helped achieve victory in the Great Patriotic War Over 35 million people received awards for courage and courage shown during the Second World War
Young people performed feats of labor every day in peacetime, participating in the construction of the Moscow metro, factories, gas pipelines and railways throughout the Soviet Union Using a “Komsomol voucher” from the local Komsomol cell, boys and girls were sent to work in hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas of the USSR, where there was a shortage of personnel The youth, through their deeds, every day proved their devotion to the country and the Soviet people The organization collected monthly fees - 2 kopecks from schoolchildren, 1-15% from the salary of a working member
The mouthpiece of the ideas of the youth movement was the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the first issue of which was published back in 1925 The publication actively promoted not only the ideas of communism, but also the sports lifestyle, covered the labor exploits of Komsomol members, and wrote about their life and hobbies The newspaper's correspondent offices operated throughout the USSR and abroad
The Komsomol ceased to exist in September 1991 after the August putsch Despite the fact that the ideological meaning of the holiday has been lost, the Komsomol Birthday continues to be one of the dearest celebrations for everyone whose childhood and youth occurred during the Soviet Union