Every year, since 2000, on November 21, employees and employees of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation accept congratulations on their professional holiday
This date was chosen because it was on this day in 1991 that Decree No 229 of the President of the RSFSR was signed on the formation of the State Tax Service of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
The first to introduce a structure similar to the modern taxation system was Peter the Great
During the reign of Alexander the Second, this structure was reformed: taxes were imposed on the land, an income tax was introduced, and others Subsequently, with the direct participation of PA Stolypin developed a draft tax system, the main elements of which have been preserved to this day
The revolution of 1917 almost completely destroyed the system of taxes and fees in the country, but by 1930 it was debugged: excise taxes were introduced on consumer goods and essential products (textiles, tea, sugar, vodka, salt, coffee and tobacco), and a system of tax inspectorates was created in cities, villages, regions
The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation today consists of more than one hundred and fifty thousand specialists monitoring compliance with Russian legislation on taxes and fees, both in relation to large city-forming organizations and in relation to citizens - individual entrepreneurs
It is impossible to overestimate the effectiveness and influence of the tax system on the financial situation of our country, including the formation of the budget A well-functioning taxation system is a guarantee of the economic security of citizens and a stable social policy in Russia The Federal Tax Service plays a major role in ensuring our rights to free education and medical care, payment of wages, scholarships and pensions