People first started talking about milkshake in Great Britain in 1885, when one of the London newspapers published an article about the surprisingly tasty drink The classic cocktail recipe included milk, raw eggs, brandy or whiskey Due to the high cost of some ingredients, only wealthy members of society could afford the drink
Milkshake was prepared in large containers and served at family holiday tables or at special receptions In taste and composition it resembles the famous dessert eggnog Milkshake, a masterpiece of English culinary experts, quickly gained popularity throughout the world November 15th is Milkshake Day in the United States and other countries
The Americans replaced whiskey and brandy with rum in the recipe, and at the end of the 19th century Vanilla, berry and chocolate syrups began to be used to prepare the drink Then they tried adding ice cream to the milkshake, which significantly transformed its taste The ingredients were mixed by hand until 1922, when the blender was invented by Polish-American Stephen Poplawski Using the device made the milkshake airy and delicate in taste
During Prohibition in the United States, which lasted from January 1920 until 1933, bartenders mixed whiskey, brandy and bourbon into all harmless-looking cocktails The experts behind the counter understood that not a single police officer could distinguish an alcoholic drink from a non-alcoholic one by appearance For connoisseurs of explosive and not so explosive mixtures, Speakeasy bars were opened on the streets of American cities, which literally translates as “speak quietly”
While law enforcement officers were studying the visitors of these establishments, the bartenders quietly added a large portion of port wine or strong alcohol to the milk, ice cubes and syrup Visitors left the pubs very happy, because they always had the opportunity to taste a milkshake codenamed “For Me”
"Egg Nog" is one of the names of the popular mickleshake To prepare it, in addition to cream or milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, cognac or bourbon is used Over time, bartenders stopped adding alcohol-containing ingredients and fresh eggs to the drink Today, milkshake is chosen by children and adults who prefer non-alcoholic cocktails
Coconut milk, pineapple juice and rum are included in the long drink “Pina Deck”, which belongs to the “Modern Classics” series This milkshake is billed as the national drink of Puerto Rico In the bar menus of cafes and restaurants around the world, in the section with non-alcoholic drinks you can find Banana Shake Cream, “Fiesta”, “Marzipan”, “Bubble Gum” and Sushi-Studio Mix with a delicious white foamy head Their recipes often contain ice cream and always chilled milk
Milkshakes are decorated with berries, whipped cream, chocolate chips and nut sprinkles Any fruit is used except kiwi, pineapple and orange because of the ascorbic acid they contain, which interferes with the formation of foam Lime and lemon zest are also added to the drinks and decorated with whipped cream, making them a real work of culinary art This is how milkshake lovers experiment with their preparation, celebrating November 15th as Milkshake Day