“Classical ballet is a castle of beauty,” wrote Joseph Brodsky Grace, flexibility and plasticity, intensity of emotions, expression of feelings through body language - all this is the external gloss of ballet, which hides behind the scenes - hard work and pain, years of hard training and comprehension of new facets of the capabilities of your own body
Every year in October-November, International Ballet Day is celebrated There is no exact date for this holiday This is due to the difficulties that arise when coordinating online broadcasts of the world's largest ballet companies taking part in the event International Ballet Day is a young holiday that in recent years has managed to introduce thousands of people around the world to the beautiful art
The amazing, multifaceted, mysterious and vibrant world of ballet does not leave anyone indifferent who dares to look into it This elegant form of stage and choreographic art was born in two countries: France and Italy Initially, ballet was the name given to small dance scenes in opera or musical performances, which were usually united by a single action
Gradually they gained independence and turned into magnificent productions, for which they attracted dancers, created scenery and costumes, and wrote music From Italian, “ballet” is translated as “dancing”
Magnificent ballet performances were staged at court when all the nobility gathered together with the royal family Gradually, this type of art gained increasing popularity and became known not only in Europe, but also in Russia It is believed that the first ballet performance was held at the court of the second Tsar from the Romanov dynasty
Much later, the French choreographer and actor Charles Louis Didelot popularized this art form in our country He made a brilliant career in Europe, but accepted the invitation of the director of the imperial theaters of St Petersburg and moved with his family A real revolution in the art of ballet was made by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who brought musical accompaniment to a new level He wrote music for perhaps the most famous ballet productions in the world - “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty” These performances can be seen on different stages around the world to this day Through Tchaikovsky's music, which had vivid dramatic expressiveness, the characters' characters began to be revealed
In ballet, different types of art are intricately intertwined Ballet is music, dance, theater, drama and even painting It combines acting and choreography Until 2014, ballet actors did not have their own holiday They were celebrating International Dance Day on April 29th, but the British came up with an interesting idea As you know, in Britain they treat ballet no less reverently than in Russia, so the British decided to popularize this art form
Cameras were installed in the rehearsal hall of the Royal Ballet through which a live broadcast was broadcast on the Internet The video received more than half a million views on the first day The idea turned out to be so successful that the British decided to repeat the campaign every year They were supported by ballet troupes of the world's leading theaters, and ballet actors now have their own holiday, when rehearsals of the largest companies can be seen by millions of spectators
Previously, the backstage of ballet art was shrouded in mystery for the average viewer We saw only brilliant results - spectacular productions in which the actors conveyed the emotions of their characters with well-honed movements; they did not act, but lived their destinies After the advent of International Ballet Day, almost everyone had a unique opportunity to see what happens behind the scenery, what hard work is behind every movement and how many people work to make the performance spectacular, beautiful, sensual and emotionally vibrant