In 1990, the United Nations, together with the European Organization for Quality, established a day on which the whole world should think about the quality of the goods it consumes This day is the second Thursday of November And the entire second week of November, on the initiative of the UN, a little later - in 1996, began to be devoted to problems of the quality factor of this or that thing
Every day, every person in the world consumes hundreds of things that are mass produced for the inhabitants of our planet For these food products, equipment, toys, furniture to really help us, to make our life comfortable and not dangerous, they must be of high quality This is monitored by special commissions Each product group has certain quality standards; in our country there is a so-called GOST - state standard, this applies to all CIS countries In order to monitor the quality of the product, you need to choose certified, licensed items - that do not contain harmful substances in their composition Remember: saving on certain things may result in spending on medicines
In the constant search for cheaper goods for consumer consumption, their production often uses materials that do not meet accepted safety standards To prevent this from happening - so that every person feels safe while consuming different products, there are different expert commissions that check the quality of a particular product
Every year, companies are discovered to be using harmful or useless materials in the manufacture of medicines, food, cosmetics, toys, building materials - and other products Monitoring the quality of one’s own life is the task of every person You should not blindly trust manufacturers who do not have the appropriate certificates or marks for verifying the features of their own products
Therefore, every second week of November, as well as every second Thursday of November, various events are held to highlight the quality problem among manufacturers After all, the comfort of society, the lives of us and our children depend on this In order to love yourself and take care of yourself, it is not enough to allow yourself certain joyful acquisitions - it would also be nice to monitor the quality of these goods After all, it is the excellent quality indicators of the things used that are often the key to our health and psychological comfort