The spine is an important part of the human body, which is involved in the movements of the body and head Back pain due to excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, sudden heavy lifting and other reasons affects 1 billion people around the world Every year on October 16, World Spine Day is celebrated, which draws attention to the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of back diseases
Human anatomy requires both the ability to withstand heavy loads and the flexibility of the body This functional feature is provided by the vertebrae, which are responsible for strength, and discs with joints, which affect shock absorption A trained person removes the angle of inclination of the body to the sides, equal to 180° This occurs due to the flexibility of the spine Its formation begins from the first days of a child’s life and ends by the age of 20-22 However, you need to closely monitor the condition of the spinal column throughout your life
A strong muscle corset that secures the bones of the back allows a person to lift weights A healthy spine can support a load weighing up to 400 kg
According to statistics, men most often suffer from back diseases This is due to their receiving traumatic injuries to the spine Women complain of back pain due to bone osteoporosis - a physiological feature of their endocrine system Representatives of the fairer sex are most susceptible to this disease during menopause
People's height changes by 1-2 cm during the day Thus, in an upright position when walking upright and exposed to the force of gravity, it decreases During night sleep, after muscle relaxation, the intervertebral discs expand Therefore, in the morning, compared to evening measurements, growth rates increase by 1-2 cm
Pain in the spine is not always associated with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system If discomfort is observed in the thoracic region, this may also mean the presence of a stomach ulcer; in the area of the coccyx and sacrum - inflammation of the kidneys and pelvic organs
A person has from 32 to 34 vertebrae, successively connected to each other vertically Their number depends on the physiological characteristics and formation of the column Thus, the coccyx can have from 4 to 6 sacral vertebrae Their number depends on how the processes of fusion of bones in the “rudimentary tail” took place during the formation of the skeleton
People want to live happily ever after and not get sick This is possible if we begin to pay due attention to the condition of the musculoskeletal system Preserving and strengthening a healthy spine is what the world community is calling for on October 16 during World Spine Day