Various diseases accompany a person on his life path Most of them do not introduce significant restrictions into people's lives However, the top three in terms of severity and number of cases not only lead to death or disability, but also significantly affect a person’s daily activities These three most dangerous diseases include: atherosclerosis, cancer and diabetes The fight against the last of these diseases is dedicated to the memorable day of November 14, when many countries annually celebrate World Diabetes Day
The idea of creating a memorial date belongs to two international organizations: the World Health Organization and the International Diabetes Federation The need to establish this day arose due to the increasing spread of this incurable disease, despite the efforts of scientists and pharmacists in the period from 1980 to 2014 The prevalence of diabetes among earthlings over 18 years of age increased from 47% to 85% According to the World Health Organization, diabetes mellitus reduces life expectancy among earthlings by 2–3 times World Diabetes Day was first celebrated in 1991, and since 2007 this date has been held under the patronage of the UN Thanks to the support of such large international organizations, the mass events held on November 14 have become the world's largest source of information not only about the disease itself and those affected, but also about efforts to combat it More than 1 billion people, citizens of more than 160 countries, participate in informational and thematic events
The date itself is also not accidental It is intended not only to remind the public about the disease itself, but to perpetuate the name for the descendants of the Canadian physiologist and doctor Frederick Banting, who was born on this day in 1891 He and another doctor, Charles Best, are credited with creating the medicine, which saved millions of people from death - insulin Possessing the amazing honesty and modesty inherent in real scientists, these two people did not get rich, but gave the secret to the whole world
Noting the merits and extreme importance of the discovery made by doctors, the Nobel Committee awarded Frederick Banting the Nobel Prize in Biochemistry and Medicine in 1923 Unfortunately, the merits and participation of Charles Best were not taken into account and he did not receive the international prize, which is the highest award for any scientist This extremely hurt and outraged Banting, so he voluntarily gave half of the prize he received to his colleague Best
A special resolution adopted by the UN defined the goals and objectives of the mass events that are held on November 14:• promoting incentives for governments, public authorities, national and international organizations that implement and strengthen policies that are aimed at controlling and preventing both diabetes mellitus itself and its complications;• supporting the dissemination of tools that support local and national initiatives designed to implement effective policies regarding the prevention and treatment of the disease and its consequences;• reaffirming the priority of training health personnel, volunteers and advocates in the control and prevention of diabetes and subsequent complications;• raising awareness population of the planet about the symptoms of diabetes, the necessary actions for its early diagnosis, as well as preventing delays in the development of complications