The last day of October was officially declared World Savings Day in 1989 This name of the date was voiced by the Italian professor Ravvitsa instead of the World Savings Day proposed by financial institutions The prerequisites for the emergence of a memorable date arose back in 1924 at the first world congress of savings banks, where representatives of 29 countries gathered to listen to each other
Indeed, the concept of “savings” is broader than “savings,” especially in light of the designation of the current generation of people as a consumer society And if savings banks of developing countries stimulate the population for residential construction, expansion of agricultural production, and introduction of social programs; For developed industrial countries, the banking system is primarily credit operations Unlimited lending, in addition to its positive aspects, has negative consequences in the form of creating conditions for the purchase of more advertising products, which are often imposed on the consumer and have no real need
Thus, the date October 31 is dedicated to saving in a very broad sense, this means saving time, energy resources, minerals, and natural resources Economy and savings are acquiring the status of international problems, talking about the depletion of natural resources, the wasteful use of the benefits of civilization, and social inequality Scientists claim that if the whole world matches the United States in consumerism, then resources will be exhausted in 40-50 years
Savings Day is a serious reason to raise the topic of equating personal happiness with the level of consumption of material goods in modern society We are talking about a change in moral guidelines, and religious organizations were among the first to talk about this phenomenon
Consumerism in modern society replaces family values, friendly connections, and personal achievements The pursuit of material status is considered the highest good, to the detriment of health, family and normal human joys The best pastime is considered to be shopping and then demonstrating what you have purchased to users of social networks The success of studies and professional activities is devalued
Commercial advertising and the desire for profit of manufacturing companies play a negative role in the spread of consumer sentiment For advertising purposes, manipulative technologies are used, leading to a decrease in the cultural level of society Such a society loses the concept of personal responsibility, all blame for environmental pollution or destruction of natural resources is shifted to producers, the individual does not recognize his involvement and does not feel guilty
Savings Day is celebrated everywhere in many developed countries, including Germany, whose citizens’ mentality is particularly thrifty The desire for frugality has nothing in common with greed; this phenomenon is based on rational, intelligent use and consumption Explanatory conversations and events are held in schools, banks and other public organizations in Germany The government of the country is confident that nurturing a culture of consumption and an understanding of the importance of thrift must be instilled from a very young age