Once born, a child begins to encounter a huge amount of information every day Something is absorbed, something passes by, but every day the data received surprises with its variety and volume The more information a person remembers during his life, the greater his stock of knowledge becomes, and knowledge is power in the modern world
On this occasion, the International Academy of Informatization, which promotes the progress of information technology, came up with a proposal to establish a special day dedicated to the creation and dissemination of various data And in 1994, the UN approved and established World Information Day, the date of which was chosen as November 26 Many countries around the world joined this event
The history of obtaining information begins with the emergence of humanity The first methods of its transmission were the rock paintings of our ancestors Simultaneously with the development of speech, it passed through the mouth from generation to generation Having mastered writing, people began to capture it in manuscripts A huge step was the invention of copying machines, including the printing of books and newspapers But the real breakthrough was the 20th century, which gave humanity the first computers
Indeed, it is impossible to imagine our life without receiving various information Rapid scientific and technological progress has raised the importance of the data obtained, necessary for normal existence Civilized society has acquired an indispensable assistant in the form of the Internet, thanks to which you can find any information Now you don’t have to remember all the information you receive; it’s enough to know where you can find it at the right time
Today the holiday is celebrated by participants in the information industries Among them are workers in print media, television, radio, as well as IT specialists who create computer equipment, programs and the information product itself In addition, it is worth congratulating the employees whose activities are related to mobile and digital devices
World Information Day, as conceived by its organizers, aims to attract the attention of experts to important issues in this industry in order to improve the quality of information materials received Today, the course is aimed at the progress of mobile communications, digital technologies and the Internet, displacing the usual television and radio broadcasting That is, the main goal of the holiday is the absolute informatization of humanity
But due to the large volume of information, people do not always find useful information In a modern network, it is sometimes difficult to control the flow of negative data To avoid unnecessary stress, you need to learn to protect yourself from negative information, and to have a good time, it is better to choose emotional communication with loved ones than hanging out on the Internet