The reproductive functions of the ovaries and the hormonal background of women undergo modifications closer to the middle of life The menopausal period is accompanied by the cessation of the menstrual cycle, which makes it impossible to conceive and give birth to a child The average age of onset of changes in the body in women is 46-55 years Hormonal changes are accompanied by mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes, decreased libido, sleep problems, sweating and weight gain World Menopause Day was established to raise awareness among women and improve their health during the decline of reproductive function
Events in honor of World Menopause Day are held on the initiative of WHO and the international organization International Menopause Society, founded in 1978 in the UK Every year on October 18, events are held to prevent the development of osteoporosis and associated bone fractures in women Their fragility during menopause is associated with a lack of estrogen These hormones function as regulators of metabolism in bone tissue In middle and old age, fractures heal poorly Hormonal and non-hormonal therapy (take phytoestrogens and progestins of plant origin) helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis
A consequence of the onset of menopause is also sarcopenia - loss of body weight and decrease in muscle volume This diagnosis is made by 57% of women over 50 years of age Sarcopenia is associated with metabolic disorders in muscle and bone tissue To reduce the risk of falls due to underweight, hormonal therapy, vitamins and microelements are also prescribed to strengthen bone tissue
The timing of menopause is different for each woman This is due to genetic predisposition, body mass index, problems in the endocrine system, hereditary diseases and other factors The sooner a woman consults a doctor, the easier she will cope with age-related changes and prevent the undesirable consequences of meponapuse Thus, thanks to densitometry (examination to determine bone mineral density and calcium content), osteoporosis and bone fractures can be avoided
Reflexology - acupuncture, breathing exercises, yoga - helps stabilize a woman’s condition during menopause Exercises help improve your emotional state and keep yourself in good shape Acupuncture and other eastern techniques reduce the symptoms of menopause
Every year World Menopause Day is dedicated to a specific theme In 2019, the main research question was “Testosterone use in middle-aged women”, in 2020 - “Premature ovarian failure”, 2022 - “Cognitive function and mood” Information materials and scientific developments on the topics become the basis of the White Book and are published in the scientific journal Climacteric