The feeling of gratitude for a good thing done or a service rendered requires verbal expression Today there is a lot of controversy about how to correctly and appropriately thank you in Russian Someone insists on the traditional “thank you,” which stands for “God bless” And some stop at a more stilted “thank you” Various forms of this word were used by classics of Russian literature “Eat an apple, my light Give thanks for lunch,” writes AS Pushkin in the tale of the dead princess “I’m very grateful,” Mitya answers Pelageya Egorovna from the play by AN Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice"
People say “thank you” not only to each other, but also to nature Thus, Thanksgiving appeared as a way to honor God for his provision of food on the table of the first colonists who arrived in North America on the Mayflower and endured a hungry winter and spring The Slavs have long honored Mother Nature and said “thank you” to her for a good harvest The day of the autumnal equinox was set aside to express gratitude for the bountiful harvest
Something good is always happening in the world around us Residents of the state of Hawaii, home to a large Mormon community, decided in 1965 to set a date to express their gratitude to a higher power and make it an annual tradition This is how the holiday was born, which is celebrated on September 21 - World Gratitude Day
It is important for people to engage and feel that others appreciate their care and good deeds But gratitude is not only one of the ways to make another person happier, making it clear that his efforts and works were not in vain Expressing gratitude is also very helpful for those who do it Gratitude, according to scientists, improves well-being in case of serious chronic diseases, reduces stress levels and improves immunity
Words of gratitude teach a person to think positively and look at life with optimism Neuroscientists say that gratitude has a good effect on the nervous system - it improves sleep and prevents depression Participants in a study by American scientists Mike McCulloch and Robert A Emmonson noted that it became easier for them to communicate with others As it turns out, gratitude brings people together and helps improve communication They feel calmer and much happier than those who are not ready to sincerely say “thank you”
World Gratitude Day is a holiday that is designed to bring joy to people To do this, you need to find time and devote one day a year to expressing gratitude to friends, work colleagues, neighbors, loved ones and higher powers for everything positive that is in your life And it doesn’t matter at all which of the two words will be used for this - “thank you” or “thank you”