The holiday with a delicious name - International Juice Day - does not have a fixed date, since it falls on the third Saturday day of September Juice Day is an event that began to be celebrated recently Nevertheless, lovers of a healthy and tasty drink celebrate it with pleasure The main goal of the holiday is to popularize juices as one of the necessary components of the modern person’s diet The symbol of the holiday is a fruit cut into pieces, symbolizing the variety of all kinds of natural drinks
According to experts, juices are one of the best natural sources of vitamins, vital microelements and inorganics They are especially useful in winter and early spring, when vitamin support is especially relevant, is well tolerated by most people, is well absorbed and easy to use WHO recommends eating 04 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits every day to strengthen the immune system Moreover, 20% of this amount can be replaced with juices
The initiative to establish Juice Day came from the association of fruit juice producers in 2010 The idea was initially supported by Spain, Poland and Turkey, and then by other countries Today the event is celebrated all over the world In Russia, the holiday received official status in 2012 In addition to tasting drinks from various producing companies, specialists take part in the popularization of juices, explaining in an accessible form what a concentrated product is and how it is produced Each of the holiday participants can come up with their own recipe for a unique drink Experts answer questions regarding the degree of usefulness, quality of juice products and its role in the human diet Competitions, quizzes, and photo exhibitions with interesting prizes are held Even if you can’t take part in the holiday, you can spend this day among friends or family Naturally, you need to make sure that there is no shortage of juices on the table
Of course, drinking juices has its contraindications However, the variety of these drinks allows you to choose the one that suits your taste and is as healthy as possible:
• apple juices are an excellent natural “brush” that cleanses the body of toxins Apple juice improves skin condition, normalizes kidney function;
• cabbage juice is a real storehouse of nutrients for the digestive system, hair, nails and teeth It is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of certain neurological diseases;
• carrot juice - helps lift your mood and improve your overall well-being Fiber, which is contained in a drink with pulp, improves the functioning of the digestive system Potassium, magnesium, as well as numerous vitamins, improve immunity, heart function, and vascular condition;
• tomato juice—contains folic acid, making it an excellent natural stress reliever This compound is also necessary for pregnant women, as it contributes to the normal development of the fetus;
• beet juice is an excellent preventative against diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver It also improves the functioning of the lymphatic system A wonderful remedy for cleansing the liver and kidneys is grape juice;
• apricot and peach juices - improve brain activity and are good for the heart muscle;
• pear juice - helps cleanse the body and effectively removes toxic substances;
• Pumpkin juice is a unique and versatile natural medicine It normalizes metabolic processes and cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, removes heavy metals;
• cherry juice - reduces discomfort in the muscles associated with intense and prolonged exercise
Vegetable juices are especially useful for people optimizing weight They are not as high in calories as fruit ones, but they are a real storehouse of vitamins Pomegranate has the highest energy value
The content of natural juice in the packaged product is small, since the production uses recovery technology using conventional infusion You can count on the naturalness of the product when purchasing drinks marked with direct extraction A product called nectar is made from the remains of squeezed fruit frozen in water
The product should not be used as a drink for medications Absorption of the drug in the stomach occurs especially intensively, and high concentrations in the blood can cause an overdose and associated unpleasant symptoms The grapefruit drink is especially insidious in this regard