On November 21, 1996, the world's first television forum took place, at which television problems were discussed, experiences were exchanged, and issues regarding broadcasting of programs were resolved Therefore, by the UN Resolution of December 17 of the same year, November 21 was declared a holiday, World Television Day
In Russia, it is not yet included in the list of official dates and does not have the status of a day off, however, everyone who is directly related to the world of blue screens accepts well-deserved congratulations on this day
Television is firmly rooted in modern life Television has become an ordinary part of every home, and it comes as no surprise at all The variety of channels and programs is growing every day; anyone can choose broadcasts to suit their taste and lifestyle But just a century ago this might have seemed borderline fantastic
The history of modern television began in the 20s of the last century At that time, only the first scientific experiments were being carried out The Soviet Union also took part in the development In 1933, engineer V Zvorykin made a scientific breakthrough by inventing a cathode tube, which is still used today
Television began to spread confidently throughout Europe, the USA, and the Soviet Union State and private television companies began to appear Broadcasts began with one show per week, gradually gaining momentum
Since Russia participated in the technical process, experimental programs were broadcast in Moscow back in the 20s and 30s And the first television center was opened in 1937 on Shabolovka, from where weekly mass broadcasts began in 1939 At first these were demonstrations at congresses, then programs about agriculture
The Great Patriotic War made its own adjustments, and the development of television was interrupted At the end of the war, the television center on Shabolovka resumed its work Since then, there has been an evolution in the life of blue screens
Today television is a huge force that can influence people This is a way of forming society One of the goals of the November 21 holiday is to call for problems with the uninformative use of television broadcasting, the refusal of propaganda and closer attention to the crude themes of violence, genocide, etc used
On November 21, everyone who is related, both direct and indirect, to television celebrates their professional holiday Usually on this day noisy tables are set for television workers Congratulations, toasts, songs, a joyful atmosphere reigns in every team Distinguished employees are rewarded with certificates, diplomas, and valuable gifts
Universities host master classes from professionals, exhibitions of creative works on the theme of the holiday, special reports are read, seminars and conferences are held on the topics of television broadcasts