Modern theory and practice of urban development is based on solving demographic, functional, practical and aesthetic problems Megacities create comfortable living conditions for representatives of all walks of life Urbanism is devoted to the study of the development of large settlements In honor of this discipline, World Urban Planning Day was established, which is celebrated on November 8th World Urbanism Day promotes public and professional interest in urban planning
The holiday, also known as World Urban Day, was created in 1949 by Carlos Maria della Paolera, a professor at the University of Buenos Aires Since then, events dedicated to the design and construction of cities have been held annually in more than 30 countries around the world The holiday attracts the attention of authorities and citizens to competent planning of the public environment, development of territories in the interests of people and the nature of the area
Urban planning as a scientific discipline emerged at the end of the 19th century thanks to Ildefonso Cerda The Spanish architectural engineer proposed using the term "urbanism" to study how residents of metropolitan areas interact with the urban environment built up with buildings and structures The emergence of a new discipline was explained by the rapid development of industry at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries In connection with this, the number of settlements whose residents were engaged in the production of goods and services increased
Long before I Cerda, the Italian Renaissance architect Antonio di Pietro Averlino described in his works the system of construction of canals and streets of Milan, cited the requirements for the organization of trade and the standards that residential premises must comply with Washington and St Petersburg were among the first to be designed taking into account urban planning Their layout includes wide streets lined with trees on both sides, open public spaces and areas with green spaces
Urbanism and urban sociology are studied by architects, geographers, planners and representatives of other professions Specialists study the lifestyle of people from densely populated areas of megacities and design developments based on research results The development of the design of building facades and the development of territories is carried out taking into account the landscape of the area, the needs of citizens for transport and social infrastructure
For a long time, issues of demography and the functionality of buildings were not taken into account in urban planning Architects paid attention to the appearance, facades and composition that create the buildings they erect Thus, the aesthetic component served as a guideline for the construction of castles, houses and other structures in Paris before Napoleon III, who came to power in 1848 The President of the Second French Republic relied on the development of the capital's engineering infrastructure - connecting thousands of gas lamps to illuminate the streets, organizing a centralized sewerage system and water supply
The first department of urban planning appeared at one of the London universities in 1909 On the eve of the Second World War, European architects and planners learned to combine the aesthetic component with the planning and normative one In the middle of the twentieth century The ideas of modernism and Le Corbusier’s functional approach to design were very popular They were implemented by the followers of the French architect during the construction of the capital of Brazil, Chandigarh in India, Aktau in Kazakhstan and other cities
On November 8, professionals who deal with urbanization issues are congratulated on the holiday Active citizens attend hearings on issues of construction, reconstruction of buildings and improvement of local areas In honor of World Urban Day, excursions are organized to places that are distinguished by unusual urban development and buildings that are interesting from an architectural point of view