The desire to make the world a better place gave birth to the United Nations October 24 went down in the history of the world community as the date the Charter of 1945 came into full force, several months after the June conference Two years later, an official resolution established it as United Nations Day The commemorative date since 1948 serves as a reminder of the significant difficulties, problems and challenges facing the world's population
They consist of responsibility, the personal contribution of each person to solving environmental problems, and respect for human rights Many obstacles to peaceful life, such as nuclear and chemical weapons, threaten the safety of all people without exception The illegal arms trade and the arms race of all kinds are literally the “killer” aspects of discussions at the annual UN Disarmament Week (the period from October 24 to 30, dedicated to the creation of the UN)
Over the years, the UN has achieved the greatest authority; today it includes more than 30 related organizations (WHO, UNESCO and others) It calls on the participating countries (their number is approaching 200) to use all possible tools and material benefits Only by overcoming conflicts and contradictions and establishing friendly relations can the future be changed and disasters prevented, and the UN in this regard is a kind of negotiating platform that helps, to the best of our ability, to exclude a third world war
On this memorable day, the fact that human dignity is priceless, and people are not just a resource, is necessarily emphasized Racial or other intolerance, terrible slavery, hunger - there is no place in the present and future With these phenomena, a picture of a sustainable and just world cannot emerge, even if individual countries are quite prosperous and tolerant
The concept of “We the Peoples” - one of the tools for correcting the situation, is firmly embedded in the basis of the Millennium Goals - a global project A reminder of it is in the annual message from the main person, the UN Secretary General His post has been held since the beginning of 2017 by António Guterres, who has been dealing with refugee issues for a long time He will certainly succeed in becoming as famous a leader as his predecessors Ban Ki-moon or Kofi Annan
The importance of this date for the participants and organizers themselves is so great that they even called in 1971 to make it a holiday, and at the state level, an equal day off, regardless of the day of the week Some countries followed the call - Costa Rica, Sweden
At UN headquarters and representative offices, a mandatory official part takes place in the form of reading the Charter and raising the flag - a light blue symbol with an emblem in the form of a map The presentation of awards on this day is especially honorable: they are awarded for achievements in a variety of categories, from innovation to creativity and personal growth
Concerts and festivals organized with the participation of governments are often organized in a thematic manner: folklore, cultural and culinary fairs Exhibitions, discussions, speeches by famous people and public figures are aimed at informing and developing
Russia is an original member, an organizer, standing at the origins, as a country that defeated fascism, a permanent and respected partner of the UN Along with China, the USA, France, and Great Britain, it has the right of veto in resolving the most important issues (Security Council) On October 24, actions and events and peace lessons are held in all regions of the Russian Federation Those interested can familiarize themselves with the charitable and peacekeeping activities of activists Students, students, and youth representatives take part in interesting projects that have become traditional, for example, the business game - Model UN Youth
The world is constantly changing, sometimes not for the better and often through the fault of people Our direct participation is not always able to prevent the emergence of serious problems, but to solve existing ones, we only need the will to overcome global challenges