December 1 is Neurologist's Day, which is celebrated as International Day It is mainly celebrated in Eastern European countries Previously, the profession was called “neurologist,” but this name is now considered outdated This is one of the most complex branches of medicine, which deals, in particular, with malignant and benign tumors of the spinal cord and brain This specialist is often contacted for epilepsy attacks, cerebrovascular accidents, suspected encephalitis, and so on
Gradually, the popularity of the holiday is increasing, although it cannot be said that today it is officially enshrined in the list of memorable dates in Russia However, it is believed that the term “neurology” itself appeared during the late Middle Ages, around the 17th century, when some daredevils began to study not only the anatomy of the human body, but also tried to understand how the brain works
In the mid-19th century, the world's first neurological department opened in France Research in this area has also been conducted in Russia Thus, at Moscow University, at the Faculty of Medicine, a separate course appeared, which was devoted to brain diseases
Many writers mention in their works such a disease as migraine, which was quite common Unfortunately, people did not know how to explain it and for a long time it was believed that it arises as a result of bad mood, blues, and general poor health Around the middle of the 19th century, we can already talk about the beginning of a professional approach to the study of such neurological diseases Of course, the pioneer in this area is Academician Pavlov, who studied logical reflexes It is not surprising that at the beginning of the 20th century he received the Nobel Prize for his research And to this day, neurology is considered the preserve of the elite, because it is a very complex branch of medicine, comparable to, for example, surgery, which also requires impeccable knowledge, attentiveness, and accuracy
There are still many blank spots in science, which is not able to explain the occurrence of certain diseases, for example, brain tumors There are not too many effective treatment methods or drugs that can combat neurological diseases But this is precisely why neurology attracts many applicants and aspiring doctors who decide to devote their lives to it
December 1 is Neurologist's Day, which is celebrated in different ways For example, forums and round tables are held dedicated to this date, where a whole range of pressing unresolved problems relating to neurology in general are discussed Current issues of access to medical care are also raised As you know, this branch of medicine is also complex in that it requires expensive and often large medical equipment that allows one to study the processes occurring in the human brain Thus, there are technical complexes for diagnosing the condition of the aorta, vessels, veins using ultrasound, for performing transcranial studies, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography As you can see, the equipment and, accordingly, knowledge required is impressive
On this day, it is customary to congratulate neurologists who conscientiously perform their duty Many of them have been working in this field for decades This profession is also respected because it means the need to constantly develop, improve skills, master new methods, and learn to operate complex diagnostic equipment Often on television on this day programs are shown that are designed to popularize medicine in general and this industry in particular