State old-age benefits are issued based on work experience and upon reaching a certain age Men and women working in hazardous industries or in difficult conditions, in civil aviation and the navy, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service have the right to early retirement This list also includes military personnel who served in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, the FSB, the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies for at least 20 years
Their type of work is often associated with the elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters (earthquake in Spitak, explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, accident on the Kursk submarine, etc), participation in hostilities, which leads to disability due to injuries, injury or concussion Military personnel have a high risk of injury when performing professional duties in peacetime: burns, shrapnel or bullet wounds during exercises, poisoning with toxic substances while serving in the navy or missile forces
Based on the combination of these factors, representatives of law enforcement agencies have the right to retire for health reasons, reaching a certain age, or during restructuring and other organizational and staffing measures at the place of work However, very often, after receiving pensioner status, military personnel continue to work for the benefit of society They do business, get jobs in private security companies, and become school teachers in non-military training and life safety A holiday has been established in honor of active people who have retained their labor potential On November 11, Russia celebrates Military Pensioner Day
Peter I was the first to take care of financial support for “servicemen” who, due to age or health conditions, could no longer fulfill their professional duties The Emperor issued a decree on the rules for the retirement of naval officers and lower military ranks, and the mandatory receipt of payments by widows and orphans The responsibility for providing material support for people who repaid their debt to the Motherland fell on the state The pension reform was further developed under Alexander I and Nicholas I, as a result of which the system of payments to retired military personnel received a strict and orderly appearance
After the October Revolution, despite the struggle against the remnants of tsarism, the Red Guards and their families were entitled to increased monetary allowances and other preferences After the Red Army was renamed into the Armed Forces of the USSR in 1946, benefits and payments for military pensioners were preserved In addition to increased pensions, they had advantages in housing, employment, medical care, etc
The professional holiday, which appeared in 2012, is not official However, this does not detract from its significance for those whose work activity was related to work in law enforcement agencies Therefore, on November 11, all military pensioners meet and communicate with colleagues, and veterans accept congratulations, awards and memorable gifts from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other structures