Homo erectus, one of the first representatives of the genus Homo, appeared on Earth about 5 million years ago The main burden in regulating postures and body position during movement among our ancestors was taken on by the foot Even today it acts as a support during upright walking, as a shock absorber during physical work or running, protecting internal organs and bones from injury due to body movement The condition of the foot and spine is monitored by surgeons and orthopedists, and the condition of the skin and nails by podiatrists
These specialists are proficient in hardware or manual pedicure techniques, have the skills and knowledge to correct and treat pathologies of the lower extremities They work for long periods of time at the intersection of two areas - surgery and dermatology, dealing with the prevention of diseases of the feet and nail plates with various types of lesions Craftsmen use piercing and cutting tools, special staples or plates in their work Clients with mycoses, ingrown toenails, calluses, heel spurs and diabetic feet turn to professionals and require special care for cracked skin
Unlike pedicurists, who are responsible for the beauty of their feet, podiatrists help people with flat feet and other pathologies So, a specialist can make tapes for a client and recommend wearing bandages and orthopedic insoles, taking into account his problems “Podology” is translated from Greek as “the study of the foot,” which involves the provision of a wide range of services related to the lower extremities At the initiative of the UN, a holiday was established in honor of professionals in 1947 Every year on December 1st Podologist Day is celebrated
Surgeons and dermatologists have been dealing with foot problems for quite a long time Doctors solved the problems of ingrown nails and mycoses, removed calluses and treated foot diseases, performing hygiene and other procedures using special means The first scientific work on podiatry was published in 1762 At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries Professional foot care institutions have emerged
The first Russian textbook, monograph by VA Mitskevich, was published in 2006 However, despite this, in the Russian Federation the profession of “podiatrist” does not officially exist due to shortcomings in the legislative framework in the medical field If you have an education, a doctor with a diploma in surgery or a dermatologist-mycologist can work as a podologist
In other countries the situation is different Thus, in Germany, podiatrists are trained for 2-3 years, depending on the form of education, in more than 40 schools in the country This is not surprising, because specifically in Germany in the 90s last century, a profession arose and developed, whose representatives are engaged in aesthetic correction of the foot with elements of medical care In Russia, similar skills are acquired by a master who undergoes pedicure training
Today, people with foot hyperhidrosis, corns, plantar warts and other problems go to a beauty salon for solutions Pedicurists begin to observe suspicious changes in fingers, skin and nails earlier than other specialists But only podiatrists whose professional holiday is celebrated on December 1 can provide qualified assistance