One of the most popular professions today is the profession of a programmer Programming is a way of life, these are people living with constant code in their heads; people who are constantly solving some kind of problem - today’s world of information rests on them Databases, programs, applications on phones and tablets - it’s hard to imagine what we would do without these innovations in today’s fast-paced world
How often programmers are confused with everyone - with system administrators, with people who repair computer equipment If you are a programmer, it means you understand computers - this is the main misconception of many And, rest assured, all your friends will ask you to fix your tablet, “install new Windows,” or set up your camera In fact, programming is the ability to create, to create, so to speak, to “teach” a computer to do useful actions needed in a particular case Programming has nothing in common with “computer scientists” Competent IT specialists in Russia today occupy highly paid positions for good reason, because this skill requires an engineering mind, mathematical abilities and a lot of creativity
An official holiday has been established in Russia - Programmer's Day It is celebrated on the 256th day of the year - September 13 or 12 if the year is a leap year This number is associated with a byte A byte is a unit of information that includes 8 bits (it may include another number of bits, but the holiday is dedicated specifically to the 8-bit byte), or 256 characters In a word, the number 256 has some symbolism in programming
Programmer's Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2002, although the idea of celebrating the holiday first appeared back in 1996 The official 256th day of the year became Programmer’s Day only in 2009, when the President signed the corresponding decree Today, on this day, programmers, testers, students, freelancers, and many others celebrate their professional holiday; the cat considers itself involved in this interesting and painstaking work
Now in Russia, it is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not know how to use a computer, phone or tablet We are no longer even surprised at the convenience and comfort: we watch the weather, play games, plan our week, make bank payments, communicate in various conversational client programs - and yet all this is the work of programmers Agree, work is worthy of respect So, on September 12 in a leap year and September 13 in other years, there is a reason to say thank you to all the workers who have created and continue to create such convenient things for us - programmers