With the advent of the Internet, traditional methods of communication are gradually disappearing from people’s lives, and material media of memory and history are being replaced by electronic ones The choice between letters in envelopes and paper greeting cards is made in favor of sending digital versions by email Collections of photographs from family albums have been replaced by files with images that are just as impermanent as photographs The initiators of Save Your Photos Day do not agree with this state of affairs That's why every last Saturday in September is celebrated as Save Your Photos Day
Digital versions of images can be damaged at any time due to a computer virus or erased from the memory of a smartphone and PC Members of the International Association of Photographers, who came up with an unusual celebration, suggest transferring photographs to memory cards or printing them on paper A person's past, the history of his family and country are captured in portraits and group photographs Save Your Photos Day encourages you to save photos for posterity and clean up your albums
In honor of the holiday, they back up images to hard drives or transfer pictures to cloud services Old photographs are digitized and stored in archives This must be done because paper or other material image carrier is not eternal The owners of family albums put things in order by leaving signatures and comments under the photographs
For romantics and sentimental people, Save Your Photos Day is a celebration of memories In honor of Save Your Photos Day, it is customary to view black and white and color film negatives using overhead projectors or flatbed scanners Almost every photo captures an important moment in life, behind which there is a whole story Therefore, the last Saturday of September is dedicated not only to preserving photographs, but also to nostalgia for the past and pleasant memories
Black and white photographs do not distract viewers' attention from studying the color scheme They allow you to fully enjoy the content and form, ideas and feelings of the author To give photographs more artistic meaning, owners convert color photographs to black and white A good day to implement this creative idea is Save Your Photos Day The holiday also has a utilitarian meaning According to statistics, 60-70% of the memory in smartphones is taken up by photos Backing them up allows you to make room for new photos and fresh memories
"Stop, just a moment, you're beautiful!" - every artist is ready to subscribe to this phrase from Goethe’s Faust Photography is not only a story preserved for posterity, but also a form of fine art that reflects the vision of the world and the creative intent of the author You don't need a professional on the other side of the camera to create a photo that has artistic value The choice of subject, creation of composition, sharpness and contrast can tell a lot about the personality of the photographer Each black and white or color photograph is a cast of a particle of the soul put into it by the author Preserving the memory of the events of the past and people who looked at the world through the camera lens is the main goal of the Save Your Photos Day