January 3 is the Day of Bengal sparks and garland lights, which adults and children love so much The tradition of celebrating important events with the help of bright flames and sparks originated in Bengal It is believed that in this region (now part of India, and partly in Bangladesh) in the 5th century, fire was used by priests to perform rituals It was the priests who knew many secrets of how to make the whole action as effective as possible This was necessary not to create an attractive festive setting, but to convince the public that the priests had special knowledge, having received it from the deities
For a long time their skills were kept secret In order to combine fire with noise, people added chemicals to the composition, for example, crushed iron, etc Interest in such a spectacular action was great, so it is not surprising that, despite the efforts of the priests, the tradition of lighting sparklers soon spread throughout the world and became associated with not with a religious event, but with a holiday
Subsequently, European merchants, traveling along the trade route from India, borrowed this novelty, which took root in Europe Perhaps Europeans appreciated the beauty and power of sparklers to an even greater extent than the residents of Asia themselves And all because Europeans were very fond of masquerades, carnivals and other mass entertainment This means that they immediately liked the accompaniment of the celebrations with a bright fiery action Before that, they used ordinary candles, which, of course, could not compare in their effect with spectacular sparkles
The Russian Tsar Peter I, who favored amazing overseas innovations, was also very interested in the idea It was from his instigation that in the 18th century the idea of lighting sparklers on special festive occasions spread throughout the country Although we must pay tribute to our Slavic ancestors, who even before Peter had something similar in their arsenal They noticed that there is a grass called moss grass, amazing in its properties, which is unremarkable at first glance However, when dried, it flares up quickly, almost instantly, flaring up massively, and then goes out In this case, the smoke does not even have time to form, since the grass burns in short but bright flashes Yes, in terms of entertainment, the Slavic club moss was not inferior to the Bengal sparklers And in order to add crackling and noise, the grass was sprinkled with dried birch leaves before setting it on fire The effect of such an action was almost identical to Bengal sparks
Today, sparklers and garland lights are already strongly associated with the holiday in almost all regions of the world In Arab countries, Europe, South and North America and, of course, in the homeland of sparks in India, it is impossible to imagine a holiday without this amazing show Often it is sparks and lights that create the appropriate surroundings
We must pay tribute that Thomas Edison also did a lot of work, significantly improving the action If our distant ancestors are responsible for sparklers, then we should thank Edison, the inventor of electricity, for garland lights It was he who celebrated the arrival of Christmas with special pomp at the end of the 19th century by decorating the Christmas tree in front of the house with a homemade electric garland The local public gathered for this event, including a large number of journalists, who enthusiastically accepted the invention of the brilliant Edison
Sparklers and String Lights Day is celebrated in many different ways today, but it is certainly associated with fun Wherever it is necessary to create an appropriate festive atmosphere, it would be appropriate to use bright Bengal sparkles and garlands pleasantly shimmering with light