Among children of past generations, a popular pastime was arranging “secrets,” ie, unique children's treasures To do this, just dig a very small hole and put a few bright candy wrappers, beads or pebbles there, and add a feather, coin or flower to the composition Colored glass is placed on top and that’s it - the “secret” is ready! You can only tell close friends about it, that’s where the name comes from During the Soviet era, absolutely all girls and many boys played this calm game The day of organizing secrets, which is celebrated on August 26, is dedicated to her
The history of the yard game goes back many decades; it has united several generations Parents and grandmothers of current schoolchildren played “secrets,” but modern children often don’t even know about such entertainment And will it be possible to interest children who are accustomed to visiting entertainment centers and cannot imagine leisure time without mobile phones, computers and tablets with such simple fun? Secrets day is a great opportunity to check this out
Even if you fail to captivate children with a classic Soviet game, the holiday will still not be in vain It will be a good opportunity for several generations of the family to spend time together “Secrets” can be arranged in the courtyard of a multi-storey building, on a personal plot, in a sandbox, in a park In addition, adults will be able to tell their sons and daughters, granddaughters and grandchildren about their own childhood And who knows, maybe such gatherings will become a good family tradition
The day of secret secrets is not only a children's holiday This is an excellent reason to congratulate adults who:
• feel nostalgic, like to remember their childhood during the Soviet era; • are fond of Soviet traditions and way of life; • still love yard games; • appreciate the atmosphere of mystery
The game of “secrets” is not at all difficult; it certainly cannot be called gambling But why was she so attractive to Soviet children? After all, children treated their little hiding places very carefully The destruction of someone else's "treasure" was considered a serious offense, and the discovery of one's own last year's "secret" was considered a real success Most likely, the secret to the success of the game is in the atmosphere of mystery, the feeling of a serious matter, and cohesion with friends with whom you can share your secret And of course, in the beauty and originality of such children's hiding places, the opportunity to create something beautiful with your own hands, to express yourself