During the time of Peter I, professionals who conduct investigative actions in criminal cases served in the Main Police Chief Office However, the formation of the work of bodies that performed the function of inquiry began in the 9th century and before the judicial reform of 1864 In the Old Russian state, the protection of law and order was carried out by princely warriors, posadniki, lyreniks, blizzard workers and representatives of local government bodies: elders, foreman, sotskie, etc All of them, to one degree or another, carried out the consequences of the actions that contained elements of inquiry
Based on the results of the judicial reform under Alexander I, the concept of the “institute of devious people” was reflected in the “Charter of the Head Proceedings” Under Nicholas I in 1908, criminal investigations became part of the detective work of the police After the October Revolution, the functions of the conscientious police began to include conducting a preliminary investigation One of its forms was inquiry The bodies that dealt with it have been part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since the times of the USSR
Inquiries are carried out in cases involving more than 140 articles of the Code of Criminal Procedure Officers investigate crimes of minor or moderate gravity: theft of property, beatings, hooliganism, fraud, causing minor harm to health, drug trafficking, death threats, etc Approximately 75% of investigators are women A holiday has been established in honor of the professionals, thanks to whose work law enforcement agencies operate smoothly in the Russian Federation October 16 is the Day of the Inquiry Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
One of the procedural procedures for conducting an investigation in the times of Ancient Rus' was the pursuit of a trace The suspect was searched for using traces left at the crime scene For these purposes, today, as hundreds of years ago, service dogs are used However, operational-search activities in the 21st century has undergone significant changes IT technologies have brought many innovations to the life of modern people This is taken advantage of by scammers who steal information and personal data of credit card holders and come up with schemes to take money from citizens by illegally issuing loans
Therefore, today investigators have broad competencies that allow them to investigate crimes committed using computer technology Employees of a dynamic, developing and promising service have new methods and forms of work that allow them to speed up the process of helping victims in the form of restoring their rights and compensating for damages
Specialized units in the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation were created in 1992 Today, the number of investigators involved in crimes for which a preliminary investigation is not mandatory exceeds 20 thousand people The role of the service in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is very high, therefore, on October 16, all its employees are congratulated on their professional holiday and wished great success in their chosen field of activity