November 8 is Siberia Day This is a holiday that has a long history In Soviet times, it was practically forgotten and consigned to oblivion, and only in recent years has interest in this topic begun to revive Meanwhile, the holiday is not new at all It is believed that it was established in the Russian Empire back in 1881 and dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the region’s annexation to the Russian state The date was established by Alexander III himself, who made a lot of efforts to popularize it, as well as the entire difficult Russian history
Few people know, but earlier this place was called the “Sybyr Khanate” and was actually a fragment of the possessions of the Golden Horde Joining the Russian state was not easy and involved numerous sacrifices However, many remember the name of the great conqueror of this region, the Cossack Ermak Thanks to his successful campaign, the territory of the Russian state expanded significantly
Some historians express the opinion that it was from the moment of the annexation of Sybyr that we can talk about the transformation of Muscovy into Russia Yes, there are many interesting historical opinions, including controversial ones, regarding which historical debates are ongoing, but today it is difficult to imagine Russia without Siberia And even more Many foreigners associate Russia with this region, since its name is always heard
On November 8, a wide range of events of not only regional but also national significance is traditionally held Events are being held aimed at popularizing national history and bringing peoples closer and symbiosis of cultures It cannot be said that Siberia is a native Russian region, because traditionally it has become the home of many peoples, including Tatars, Buryats, Nenets, Khanty, Siberian Cossacks, Chukchi, Evenks, Yakuts and dozens of others And it is not surprising that the events associated with the celebration of this great day are aimed, among other things, at highlighting the beauty of the region in all its national diversity A variety of folk traditions coexist peacefully here, ethnic groups, speakers and representatives of a variety of Eurasian cultures coexist
A variety of sports and educational events are also held on this day Especially in schools and other educational institutions Moreover, it has already become a good tradition to hold numerous competitions on November 8, including children’s drawing competitions As a rule, these drawings are devoted to historical topics For example, children draw national costumes and animals living in local forests On this day, souvenir products are also actively sold: thematic brochures, calendars, commemorative badges, national figurines, figurines and much more
Many people believe that the holiday is associated with patriotism, and this is partly true Today, Siberia is an integral part of Russia, its backbone It is on November 8 that numerous patriotic events, as well as sports, are held By the way, the holiday is also actively supported by the Siberian Cossacks, who, perhaps, are not yet as widely known in the country as, for example, the Kuban Cossacks However, there is a clear tendency towards the revival of historical traditions
Siberia Day is celebrated everywhere, because it is a huge region that includes many large cities In particular, the largest are Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk Often on November 8th you can taste numerous national dishes, which are prepared according to special recipes in this amazing place Classics, perhaps, should be called Siberian meat, dried venison and bear meat, Siberian dumplings, Baikal omul, pies, peas, jelly The dishes are mainly based on meat, which is due to the specifics of the region