On September 29, a funny and at the same time romantic Day of Autumn Loneliness is celebrated Transitional seasons of the year often contribute to the creation of internal discomfort, causing loss of strength and depression Pushkin wrote: “I don’t like spring; the thaw is boring to me; the stench, the dirt - in the spring I’m sick” And autumn, with all the riot of colors, is not particularly conducive to joy and fun It's getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and it's raining Nature is preparing to plunge into winter sleep Inclement weather literally pushes a person to internal immersion and leisurely reflection on the meaning of life Autumn Solitude Day is ideal for this, as it becomes a kind of date with your own soul
Sublimation is most often characteristic of introverts and individuals with a fine mental organization They are the ones who are prone to endless soul-searching, internal tossing and searching for meaning alone with themselves The soothing rhythm of rain and the rustling of fallen leaves underfoot relieves stress and has a calming effect, helping to achieve internal integrity Therefore, it is better to spend the Autumn Loneliness Day in nature, away from the flow of information, turning off your phone and other gadgets Observing the sky and clouds will prompt philosophical or romantic thoughts even for the most inveterate skeptic
This is how the poetess G Belousova reflects on the inextricable connection between nature and the inner state of man This topic is often raised in poems, both classics and contemporaries
Despite the fact that man is a social creature, from time to time he needs a break from society Psychologists say that from time to time each of us needs to be alone with ourselves A person gets tired of close attention, exchange of information, assessments of actions by others, etc Conscious solitude refers to the self-regulation mechanisms of a mature and self-sufficient person However, the situation must be kept under control so that the relationships with other people do not collapse We must remember that loneliness is when the key in the door is on the outside, and solitude is on the inside
A person’s home is his fortress, that is, a place of power If this is the case in your case, then September 29 can be spent in a chair with a cup of tea listening to your favorite music or in absolute silence Conscious solitude often helps to bring yourself together, achieve inner harmony and balance Therefore, each of us should, if not celebrate, then at least simply pay attention to the Day of Autumn Loneliness