The beauty of mountains and steep cliffs was described not only by Russian classics - AS Pushkin, FI Tyutchev, MYu Lermontov and AA Fet The conquest of the peaks was sung by songwriters of the 20th century - Yu Vizbor, V Vysotsky and B Okudzhava In the Soviet Union, mountaineering was very popular and was considered an intellectual sport - it was mainly practiced by the intelligentsia A difficult assault and, despite everything, the height taken, both then and now, dismantle the fortitude and fearlessness of climbers
Life periodically offers each of us to conquer ourselves, overcome difficulties and set the bar high And this does not require extreme conditions at all December 16 marks the Day of Conquering Peaks - a holiday that encourages people not to be afraid to set goals of any complexity and achieve them Often, to achieve success, a person must stop doubting his abilities, overcome fear and internal complexes, and reluctance to leave his comfort zone Conquering peaks begins with overcoming yourself
On a mountain peak under the gusts of wind, a person feels happy and free Rock climbing helps you achieve a state of inner elation and detachment from the problems of everyday life The popularity of mountaineering in the USSR is explained by the fact that this sport gave people a sense of independence and freedom, which was sorely lacking in the totalitarian Soviet society
However, the holiday celebrated on December 16th is not just for climbers and adventurers A person can achieve peaks in his profession, sports or business Overcoming difficulties and taking new milestones contributes to spiritual growth and self-improvement On the way to a goal, it is often not the end result that is important, but the process of achieving it Each ascent brings joy, but at the same time it also brings melancholy because the desired peak, which caused euphoria and boiling blood, has already been taken
Reaching new milestones and conquering a mountain or any other peak can be planned for December 16 or any other day Setting a high bar for yourself and showing persistence in achieving goals is within the power of a person at any age Thus, Lincoln unsuccessfully ran for the Senate 2 times, but did not go astray and at the age of 51 became President of the United States The founder of the global KFC chain, Harland David Sanders, opened his first restaurant at the age of 65, and Yuichiro Miura conquered the famous Everest at the age of 80 December 16 is a special date for those who are passionate, courageous and full of faith in their own strength It is for such people that an unusual holiday was invented - the Day of Conquering Peaks