Silence is one of the austerities that help a person cleanse energy, prevent mental anxiety and concentrate internal forces This tool of self-knowledge has been used since ancient times by both practicing mouna yogis and Orthodox monks and hermit elders December 16th is the Day of World Silence and Silence - a holiday of silence that helps everyone feel like they are part of the Universe
Silence allows you to plunge into the depths of your own “I”, contributes to the achievement of peace and imparts wisdom akin to divine Our ancestors rightly stated: “The word is silver, but silence is gold” Prophet Solomon said: “And a fool, when he is silent, may seem wise” The ruler of the Kingdom of Israel was echoed by ancient Roman philosophers “Whoever does not know how to be silent is not able to speak,” said Seneca The follower of Platanus, the philosopher Plutarch, declared: “We learn to speak from people, to remain silent from the gods”
“For us, the silence of the mind again turns on the innate ability to hear the Word,” says poetess N Bogomolova In India, ascetics who have taken a vow of eternal silence are called mounas Asceticism is practiced in various variants: there is only speech silence, combined with written silence, sometimes prohibiting any gestures In its extreme manifestation, it is associated with a lack of eye contact with another person - “silent gaze” Only hermits or highly spiritual people can observe this type of mouna
The Day of World Silence will coincide with the Russian holiday of veneration of St John the Silent Orthodox saint who lived in the 5th century AD in Armenia, led an ascetic lifestyle From the age of 18, John served at the monastery with other monks, spending his days in prayer and solitude Later, while in the Jerusalem Church, with the blessing of the First Hierarch, he took a vow of silence for 4 years Further, Father John continued his asceticism, settling in the desert, where he spent more than 9 years, eating herbs Having moved to the territory of modern Palestine, for about 66 years the Silent Man served in the Lavra of St Savva the Sanctified, healing the sick and demon-possessed with prayer, and performing other miracles Saint John died at the age of 104
According to religious traditions, on December 16, believers are not allowed to speak loudly and have fun, organize festivities and invite guests to their home In memory of John the Silent, it is customary to light candles in churches and silently pray “to oneself” At the exit from the temple, Orthodox Christians also silently give alms to the suffering
Adherents of Eastern religious teachings spend December 16 in silence and meditation It is believed that asceticism will have double power if the Day of Silence and Silence falls on Saturday Her patron in Hinduism is the harsh Saturn Silence for this planet is one of the main upayas (austerities) in Joytish, Vedic astronomy and astrology Silence and solitude on Saturdays are recommended for those who have Saturn in a weak position in their natal chart
Modern man is very dependent on information flows, exchange of opinions during calls, meetings and other forms of contact with people The Day of Silence and World Silence calls for at least a day to renounce the world around us - to stop the internal dialogue to accumulate energy and accumulate, strange as it may sound, the power of speech It is known that words brought after the asceticism of silence can have a great influence on the hearts and minds of people, pushing them towards internal development and self-improvement