November 4, since 2004, has been recognized as an official holiday - National Unity Day and is a day off This all-Russian holiday was approved by both state representatives and heads of different faiths This particular date in the calendar was not chosen by chance, because once upon a time this day decided the fate of real Russia and its people
Four centuries ago, the people fought for their lands, for their homeland, not for the sake of glory and honor, but for the sake of the future It would be unfair to consider this holiday new, because this great date is already more than half a century old National Unity Day is an occasion to look deep into modern events and find points of contact with the events of the past
The history of the holiday fully justifies its existence In 1612, the territory of modern Russia was under the intervention of the Poles Residents of Rus' created a people's militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky It was formed in Nizhny Novgorod, and traveled a difficult path to Moscow On this long journey, the militias received many comrades of different origins and religious denominations The unkillable patriotism and unity of the militia forced the interventionists to retreat Following the victory, the militia entered Moscow under the cover of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and faith in its power helped in the battle The liberation lasted until November 4, so this particular day can be considered the main one in the formation of a unified state
November 4th is a multifaceted holiday This day gives the residents of Russia the opportunity to plunge into history, to feel like the same united people as they were then, several centuries ago Russians celebrate National Unity Day The head of state, according to tradition, visits the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, dedicated to the events of 1612 Rallies and festive processions, various charity events and sports competitions are organized In different parts of the country, folk festivals and concerts are held, with the participation of people of all ages and generations Believers celebrate the Day of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God Services, religious processions and other church events dedicated to this day are held