Customs Day of the Russian Federation was established in 1995 by decree of President B Yeltsin The choice of the date of October 25 sends us back to the distant past, when a unified customs charter first appeared Your own professional holiday emphasizes the importance and significance of the work of customs as a government body and those whose work is to protect national interests
The history of the customs service in Russia goes back almost a thousand years, maybe more Mention in primary sources dates back to the end of the 10th century The first trade duties are “myt” or “myto”, levied in the Russian state on transported goods But the Tatar-Mongol yoke left its mark on Russian life and way of life - it introduced its own special duty, which took root on the territory of Rus' "Tamga" from a symbolic sign of ownership turned into income levied on the value of goods, and gave its name to "customs" In the old days, this was the name given to the place at the market or fair where goods were “customsed” and stamped
In the middle of the 17th century, a historical event occurred that gave birth to the modern holiday Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich decided to streamline the confusing and imperfect customs system that existed at that time He adopted the Trade Charter on October 25, 1653, and over the next few years a customs charter and a New Trade Charter were developed
By the end of the 17th century, the composition of customs officers was strictly defined: the head, his assistants-kissers (who swear an oath for service and kiss the cross), clerks who draw up documents Petrine reforms also affected the customs service: in 1700, bailiffs appeared And although later attempts were made to transfer the management of affairs into private hands, the decree of Catherine II finally transferred customs to a state department She also ordered the creation of a customs border guard to combat the secret transportation of goods
And years later, modern customs protects the economic interests of the country A professional holiday is not complete without congratulations from senior management and presentation of awards to officials Today, for its holiday, customs organizes interesting exhibitions of international scale The business program includes a variety of current aspects of customs work One of the achievements can be considered the introduction of information technology into control and registration processes
Her activities are congratulated and appreciated not only by Russia For example, the International Football Federation has appreciated the work of officials, namely, identifying counterfeits bearing FIFA trademarks
But the detection of such products is not the most important thing - law enforcement activities aimed against the illegal movement of drugs and weapons are important, especially taking into account the terrorist threat to the world community Criminal cases and investigative activities are not uncommon in customs affairs It has become a tradition for the next anniversary to sum up the results of the current year’s activities, testifying to the conscientious work of the department’s specialists for the benefit of the state and its citizens