Holidays 20 april
April 20, 1832 is considered the day when successful blood transfusion was first used and recorded in the annals of domestic medical practice. The manipulation was carried out in St. Petersburg by a young obstetrician Andrei Martynovich Wolf. The word “donor” itself is translated as giver, from the Latin verb donare - to give as a gift. But, as it turned out, a person who donates his tissues for free only wins in the case of blood donation.
Chinese Language Day is celebrated every year on April 20 as part of the Official Languages ​​Week celebrations. The establishment of this date is associated with a UN decree. In 2010, the department of this organization took the initiative to found a separate holiday in honor of the founder of Chinese writing, Cang Jie.
World Circus Day
China Kite Festival (Weifang International Kite Festival)
How this partly funny, and partly very deep in its content holiday came about is unknown. Should not only philosophers or psychologists, but also ordinary people think about the meaning of life? Is it necessary to dive into the depths of the subconscious at least once a year in order to answer the questions: “Who am I? Why do I live in this world?”
Spaghetti and other types of products made from flour and water, called pasta and vermicelli in Russia, are the national pride of Italy. To make it easier to wrap the pasta on a fork, use a spoon. The virtuosity of this process is achieved through years of training and is explained by a great love for the national cuisine. A funny holiday has been invented in honor of the unusual way of eating spaghetti and bucatini.
Russian holidays - Day of mobilization units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The origin of the name is associated with the name of Saint Aquilina of Sinope, a martyr whose memory is revered on this date in the church calendar. And among the people there was a belief that on Akulinin’s day mermaids rose to the surface of reservoirs after winter sleep.
Ukraine Environment Day
Orthodox holidays on April 20:
Memorial Day of St. George, Metropolitan of Mytilene
Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs Rufinus and Aquilina
Feast of the Byzantine Icon of the Mother of God
Memorial Day of St. Daniel of Pereyaslavl
Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday Akathist)

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