Holidays 21 april
This holiday was introduced to strengthen the role of the institution of local self-government and the development of democracy in the country. Festive events are held on this day. The date of the holiday itself has a historical basis. In 1785, Empress Catherine II, on the same date, issued a “Charter of Complaint” for cities.
According to statistics, over 80% of chief accountants are women. They accept all the dangers of the profession, are collected, methodical, responsible, attentive, organized and precise. It is for these qualities that workers in such a difficult field should be thanked on Chief Accountant Day.
This holiday, which falls into the fun category, will certainly delight those with a sweet tooth. Gingerbread is a flour confectionery product made from a special dough. It is usually mixed with honey, although today regular sugar syrup is increasingly used.
Science Day in the USSR
Innovative activities in the field of science and technology help to improve the standard of living of people on Earth, and in the economic sphere - to solve problems with hunger and poverty. Scientific discoveries and modern technologies not only create new markets, but also create jobs. Today, more than 29.5 million people work in the IT field and other sectors of the economy.
Holidays of Kazakhstan - Day of the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Fun Holidays - World Curlew Day
Russian Holidays - Day of the Creation of the Far East Naval Forces
Brazil Holidays - Tiradentes Day
The date owes its name to Saint Herodion of Patras, a Christian martyr, whose memory is honored by the Orthodox Church on this day. The people called Rodion the Icebreaker, since on that day the ice floes on the reservoirs were breaking. Residents believed that the meeting of the moon and the sun took place on Rodion Icebreaker.
Baha'i Holidays - First day of the Ridwan festival
Mahavir Jayanti in India
Annual London Marathon (Virgin London Marathon)
Orthodox holidays on April 21:
Memorial Day of the Holy Apostle Hermas of Dalmatia from the age of 70
Memorial Day of St. Rodion
Feast of the Spanish Icon of the Mother of God “Virgin on the Throne”
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “St. George”

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