Holidays 8 august
This holiday, labeled “extreme,” is celebrated both by those for whom mountaineering has become their life’s work and even a profession, as well as by amateurs who adore this dangerous and risky activity – conquering heights. It is celebrated by courageous and determined people who skillfully demonstrate the limitlessness of human resources and capabilities.
The world did not have time to notice how the mustachioed and striped ones became the idols of millions - and there is nothing unusual about this. Cats and cats, regardless of their appearance, breed and character, have won an honorable first place among domestic pets. And therefore it would be strange if cats did not have their own holiday.
Some people don’t believe that happiness came to them, while others hide this fact, fearing a negative reaction and the envy of others. Good news that inspires and inspires new achievements should become public knowledge. The initiators of one of the funny celebrations, which is celebrated in the last month of summer, are convinced of this.
This significant date is dedicated to human improvement and self-knowledge. To get acquainted with the endless secrets of existence, artistic and mathematical symbols, philosophical categories, and musical works are used. Infinity Day was proposed to be established by Jean-Pierre Adi Fenyo, an American philosopher.
It was on August 8, 1899 that the American Albert Marshall was granted a patent for an automatic food cooling device. More than 120 years have passed since then, and now the refrigerator has firmly taken its place in every kitchen. The range of current manufacturers includes many models of such devices, from large industrial ones to compact portable ones.
Work associated with creativity, spiritualization of matter and transformation of the world has been revered since ancient times. Creation aimed at harmonizing the surrounding space not only changes everything around, but also internally enriches the person himself. The result of such activity is a benefit that is not associated with the receipt of material values.
More than 2.2 million people living around the world suffer from blindness and decreased visual acuity due to lack of treatment. August 8, 1927 is the date of birth of the Russian ophthalmologist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and eye microsurgeon S.N. Fedorov. Thanks to his scientific research and practical activities, the most important discoveries were made in the field of treatment of pathologies of the organ of vision.
German Holidays - Peace Day in Augsburg (Augsburger Hohes Friedensfest)
Catholic holidays - Feast of Saint Dominic
The holiday is named in honor of Hermolai of Nicomedia, whose memory is on this day according to the church calendar. On this day, women were not recommended to sew, knit or do other handicrafts. Also, according to popular beliefs, it was impossible to share working tools with Ermolai. If this could not be avoided, then the instrument was placed on the ground and not given into the hands.
Orthodox holidays on August 8:
Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Ermolai
Memorial Day of St. Moses Ugrin

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