Holidays 7 august
Forgiveness is letting go of negative emotions, ending a situation in which you are stuck instead of moving on with life with ease. Letting go of conflict and restoring relationships with friends, family and partners literally heals the soul and opens up opportunities for its development.
Modern men, unlike their ancestors, are in no hurry to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. Today, the trend is for singles and singles - self-sufficient bachelors who do not plan to go to the registry office. The current state of affairs is explained in different ways. In society, the institution of marriage - patriarchal foundations and religion - no longer plays such a big role.
The talent of persuasion through competent and logically structured speech has been valued since ancient times. Legends have reached us about what great orators Aristotle, Demosthenes, Sophocles and Cicero were. Eloquence was characteristic of many political leaders - Abraham Lincoln, Leon Trotsky, Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill. Fidel Castro held the attention of his Communist Party comrades during his speech in 1986 for 7 hours and 10 minutes.
The last month of summer is the ideal time to watch the twinkling of hundreds of thousands of heavenly bodies. At this time of year, the Perseid meteor shower is at its highest concentration. The holiday is loved by lovers and couples who decide to start a family. There is nothing more impressive and memorable for a lifetime than a declaration of feelings and a marriage proposal under a sky with shooting stars.
Russian Holidays - Day of Special Communications and Information of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
One of the favorite and revered summer holidays among the people is Anna Letnyaya. It is dedicated to the Mother of God, the grandmother of Jesus Christ. She is also called the Mother of God. From that day on, preparations for winter began in full swing. They insulated residential and outbuildings, sealed cracks, and patched leaky roofs.
Russian holidays - Day of the operational-search information units of the criminal police of the Russian Federation
Canadian Holidays - Civic Day Holiday
Orthodox holidays on August 7:
Memorial Day of St. Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Wonderworker of Unzhensk
Memorial Day of the Holy Righteous Olympias, Deaconess of Constantinople
Dormition of Righteous Anna, Mother of the Virgin Mary

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