Holidays 8 february
The achievements of Russian scientists in various fields of science are widely known outside our country. On February 8, 1724, at the direction of Peter the Great, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded. In honor of this great event, today the whole country celebrates Russian Science Day on February 8.
The work of the military topography service has always been of great importance. The lives of fighters and the outcome of battles and wars depended on the correct and timely map of the battle and on the study of enemy maps. Officially, the military topographical service began operating in 1812. On February 8 of this year, the Emperor signed a corresponding decree. The Depot was led by a director who was personally appointed by the Emperor.
In world history, fascism left a bright red trace of the blood of millions of people who became victims of this ideology. February 8 is the International Day of Young Anti-Fascist Hero, which has been celebrated since 1964. This date was not chosen by chance; it combines several bloody events that occurred in different years on the same day.
Realtor Day is a relatively young holiday. The real estate profession itself is also usually considered young, but the first real estate offices appeared already at the end of the 18th century. The first of them were opened in England, but already in the next century professional realtors, or brokers, appeared in other countries, such as France, Germany and Austria.
Franze Prershern played a major role in the self-awareness of the people of Slovenia. A lawyer by training, a well-educated, logical and abstractly thinking person, he was an outstanding poet of his people. His poems are still known today and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Prershern lived in the mid-19th century - 1800-1849, and died of a serious illness on February 8. It was this day, which is also known as Prershern Day, that it was decided to make the Day of Slovenian Culture.
Every man makes a very important decision in his life - he chooses a companion. However, it is much more difficult to propose to your lady to spend the rest of your life together. And so the holiday was created for loving hearts, Marriage Proposal Day, which is celebrated annually on February 8th.
Vardanank - Day of Mercy and National Hero Tribute in Armenia
Buddhist holidays - Parinirvana Day
The name of the holiday is taken from the church calendar - honoring the memory of St. Theodore the Studite, who opposed the heresy of the iconoclasts. The peasants prayed to Saint Feodor, asking him to cure chest pain. But among the people, the day of Fyodor the memorial had mystical events. Residents believed that the dead missed their homes and relatives, and on Fyodor the Memorial Day their souls returned to earth and visited their families. Signs of the weather for that day: rodents emerging from the snow foreshadowed warming, and a wolf howl was heard before the approaching frosts.
A simple coin toss helps you stop doubting and stop endlessly weighing the pros and cons of a situation. Sometimes solving a problem requires a random choice of one of two options. A coin, for example, is used by the referee of a football match to determine which team will kick the ball into play.
Orthodox holidays on February 8:
Memorial Day of St. Xenophon of Constantinople
Memorial Day of St. Simeon the Old

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