Holidays 20 january
In the northern part of the Black Sea, on most of the Crimean Peninsula, is the Republic of Crimea. The main city of which is Simferopol. The republic has its own flag, anthem and coat of arms. Over all the years of its formation, the Republic has gained vast experience in state building. From presidential to parliamentary government.
Russian Holidays - Day of the Office Work Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Penguins are the only birds that move while standing, which is why they seem clumsy and slow. It is known that penguins cannot fly, are good swimmers and live in large colonies. But this is the only thing that most people know, and January 20 is just the day to devote to studying them.
One of the most beloved dairy products around the world is cheese. It is highly valued for its taste by both not particularly discerning consumers and true gourmets. For many peoples, the culture of cheese making is a source of national pride.
Walking has many benefits, and walking outside is much more fun than walking on a treadmill. Walking outside also provides vitamin D, which 75 percent of adults are deficient in. Walking can improve your mood because chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine are released during and after walking. Walking can reduce depression, and it is more effective if you walk outside.
Coincidences that are strange from the point of view of probability theory often make people think about the intervention of higher powers in their lives. Science cannot explain the cause of fantastic events and their sequence. Non-random coincidences are discussed on January 20 on the Day of Amazing Coincidences.
Day of National Mourning in Azerbaijan
Physical impairments and mental disabilities impair the quality of life of people with disabilities. The holiday calls for tolerance, public education and participation in the lives of people with disabilities. Their acceptance of themselves and their problems is the path to a fulfilling life in society.
Holidays in Latvia - Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of the Barricades 1991
The holiday takes its name from the church day of honoring the memory of John the Baptist. And we call the day Hawkmoth for the use of intoxicating drinks for good purposes. There was a tradition in the morning, before eating, to take a sip of water collected the day before in the consecrated river. The peasants believed that it protected a person from the inside from the influence of evil spirits and helped to gain health for a year. Weather signs for this day: if severe frosts set in and lasted for up to seven days, after them a sharp warming was expected, and snowfalls predicted that Maslenitsa would also be covered in snow.
Orthodox holidays on January 20:
Cathedral of the Baptist and Baptist John

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