Holidays 31 july
There are more than 100 thousand nature reserves in the world. These territories, from the smallest Galichya Mountain in the Lipetsk region to the huge coral coast of Papahanaumokuakea on the Hawaiian archipelago, must be patrolled and protected. Rangers are the caretakers and guardians of the planet's natural resources.
The famous Hogwarts student was born in 1980 on the same day, 15 years apart, from his creator, writer JK Rowling. No less autobiographical are the lines of the book about the passing of the boy’s parents. In December 1990, as Joan began writing the novel, her mother died. That's why the story about the death of Lilly and James Potter turned out to be so touching and very personal.
Literary works are a source of inspiration for many people. Favorite novels and stories, memoirs and scientific treatises bring pleasure and provide food for the mind. Books educate and shape a person as an individual, instill good taste, and open up new horizons for understanding the world.
Throughout human history, people have used various instruments to convey moods and feelings. Among them there are some very interesting ones, such as a clavichord, a chitarron and a recorder, and some absolutely amazing ones - a cat piano, a hydralophone, a glass harmonica and a Picasso guitar.
After years of slavery and gender-based oppression, African women were able to participate in the social, political and economic life of their countries. Representatives of the most ancient continent on the planet today continue to fight for their rights at the state and global level.
US Holidays - Hawaiian Flag Day (Ka Hae Hawaii Day)
Catholic holidays - Feast Day of Ignatius of Loyola
The holiday received this name from the name of St. Emilian of Dorostol, revered by the Orthodox Church on this day. Emilian was popularly called Emelyan or Omelyan. By this date, peasants tried to finish harvesting grain crops and harvesting hay. On Omelyanov Day there was a tradition of going to the bathhouse. In this way, the peasants were cleared of fatigue after hard work.
Orthodox holidays on July 31:
Memorial Day of St. John the Long-Suffering, Pechersk
Feast of the miraculous Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God
Memorial Day of the Martyr Jacinthos of Amastrida
Memorial Day of the Martyr Emilian Dorostolsky

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