Holidays 1 august
Leonid Engibarov, Yuri Nikulin, Mikhail Rumyantsev (Pencil), Oleg Popov, Yuri Kuklachev... These names are forever inscribed in the history of Soviet and Russian circus. Clowns are a crowd favorite. Spectators await their entry into the arena with the same impatience as aerialists, tightrope walkers and animal trainers.
One of the most terrible phenomena that our planet has known is the First World War. The 38 countries that took part suffered massive losses for four years, about 11 million people died in this terrible massacre. On this day, it is customary to remember the soldiers who gave their lives in this terrible war and saved our future. Memorial services are held in all church institutions, and flowers and wreaths are brought to the graves of the dead.
Without a reliable, powerful rear, not a single army in the world can exist and operate. Combat units need provisions, ammunition, ammunition and much more. Mobility, rapid response and defense depend on the capabilities of the logistics service. The state understands the importance of the tasks performed by rear service personnel, therefore, on August 1, rear service personnel celebrate their professional holiday.
Holidays of Russia - Day of formation of the Special Communications Service
On this day in 1939, the collection service was founded at the State Bank of the Soviet Union. The profession of a cash collector is considered incredibly difficult and responsible. This position requires excellent physical fitness, courage and determination. However, it is associated with risks to health and life. A cash collector is not just a competent security guard, but also a cashier.
On this day, congratulations are accepted by all help desk and technical support employees, who often work 24/7 and answer hundreds of questions every day and help people cope with problems associated with technical tasks. This professional holiday allows you to draw public attention to the work of specialists who work in various call centers and service departments.
The event is designed to emphasize the value of the fair half of humanity, the spiritual qualities of its representatives and social significance. The first flash mob was held in 2012. Despite feminist slogans about gender equality, the event calls for thinking about the traditional purpose of a woman, the importance of her role in the family and society.
August 1 marks the International Day of Childfree, an ideological movement that unites people who voluntarily refuse to have children. This word has been used in Russian for a long time. The trend arose in the mid-70s in Europe, then spread to the USA and only appeared in Russia in the 2000s.
Gardeners and gardeners prepare for the winter throughout the summer. Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, canning adjika and other sauces, cooking compotes and jams require dexterity and skill from housewives. Modern devices such as an autoclave allow you to make canned fish and meat at home, which were previously produced only by factories and factories.
The autumn period of the Celtic pagan calendar began with the festival of Lammas, which was dedicated to the god Lugh. Lammas is an Anglo-Irish name, which literally means “Lug’s gathering”, “Lug’s wedding”. The name of the holiday in Celtic is Lughnasadh.
World Lung Cancer Day
The initiator of this holiday was the World Health Organization. This event is held to promote natural feeding of infants, since such nutrition is necessary for the health of the child and his further normal development.
Today, disposable paper napkins are widely used in everyday life. They are made from crushed, dried and compressed wood fibers. Paper napkins are much more practical than their fabric “predecessors” and are much cheaper. A holiday has been established in honor of this useful invention.
Polyphonic singing originated in Italy during the Baroque period. In the XVI-XVII centuries. The traditions of the Venetian school spread to the territory of Poland, Ukraine and Russia. A holiday has been established in honor of the musical style and sublime works that give a feeling of inner peace and tranquility.
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Day of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language
Baha'i Holidays - Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Kamal
Chinese Holidays - People's Liberation Army Day
Swiss holidays - Confederation Day - national holiday (Swiss Confederation Day)
Birthday of VSKhV-VDNKh
This name is derived from the name of Saint Macrina of Cappadocia, whose memory is honored by the Orthodox Church on this day. People began to call the saint Mokrina, associating her with frequent wet weather on this day. It was believed that the rain that fell on Makrinin's day would bring good harvests to the land next year. An abundance of nuts was also expected after the rain.
Jamaica Holidays - Emancipation Day
Orthodox holidays on August 1:
Discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov
Memorial Day of St. Mitrofan, the first Bishop of Voronezh
Memorial Day of the Righteous Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazansky
Cathedral of Kursk Saints

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