Holidays 15 march
On March 15, 1961, John F. Kennedy gave a speech at the American Congress where he first described the meaning of the word “consumer” and announced four key consumer principles: the right to know, security, choice and to be heard. The first International Consumer Day was celebrated on March 15, 1983.
The day is celebrated at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW. The extraction of squirrels is a terrible spectacle that amazes a normal person with the level of cruelty of hunters towards completely helpless and defenseless animals.
Recognition of individual merits and respectful attitude towards another person is one of the signs of education. Respect as a “code of honor” is the moral duty of any member of society. Respect is very important at any age. The ability to accept and understand without judgment the actions of other people, their behavior and statements must and can be cultivated in oneself.
The vast majority of ordinary people, deep down, still believe that we are not alone in the Universe. If this mysterious “other life” exists, how does it know about us? Of course, he will hear, so every year on March 15, a rather unusual holiday is celebrated - World Contact Day, which is dedicated to mental communication with extraterrestrials.
Holidays of Belarus - Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus
Unexpected statements or events that are even difficult to imagine cause us amazement and confusion. The stunning news practically knocks you off your feet and makes you temporarily numb with surprise. Congratulations, especially if all these events happened on March 15th. That means it's time to celebrate Stunning Day.
Dreaming of Rose Bushes Day
Mother-in-law's party (5th day of Maslenitsa week)
The talent of an orator is one of the components of the success of people in public professions. Sophists taught eloquence techniques in the schools of Ancient Greece and Rome. The traditions of teaching the art of speaking in public have survived to this day. March 15 is World Speech Day, which celebrates the art of public speaking and its role in modern society.
International Day Against Police Brutality
1848 Revolution Memorial Day in Hungary
In the church calendar, this date is dedicated to Saint Theodotus of Cyrene, who served as a bishop in the 3rd-4th centuries. The people called Fedot Vetronos, since strong winds often blew on that day. The weather on Fedot determined how July would turn out. Wind from the north predicted a cool summer, and from the south - humid and hot.
Without this device it is no longer even possible to imagine a modern train station, shopping center or metro station. Interestingly, the very first escalator was located in a New York amusement park. It was made in the form of a wooden ribbon without steps and was intended purely for the amusement of visitors. The first escalator resembled a conveyor belt with wide railings on which people could sit.
World Sleep Day
Orthodox holidays on March 15:
Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene
Memorial Day of St. Arseny, Bishop of Tver
Celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called “Sovereign”

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