Holidays 19 march
The submarine fleet is the most powerful means of protecting the country. A dangerous, but at the same time, the most respected military profession is a submariner. The Navy order establishing a professional holiday for submariners was signed in 1996.
For the first time, the holiday began to be celebrated in Russia and Lithuania, since it was entrepreneurs from these countries who decided to express gratitude to their clients in this way. The holiday is commercial in nature. His goal was and will be not only to show respect to his customers, but also to attract new consumers.
Moonshine is a drink made from mash. As raw materials you can use potatoes, beets, berries, fruits - any products containing sugar, which under certain conditions begins to ferment. A drink with a strength of 30-40 degrees is produced using an artisanal method. March 19 marks the Professional Holiday of Moonshiners.
Laughter is known to have a positive effect on the body, promoting the production of endorphin, the hormone of joy, and reducing the level of cortisol, which is responsible for stress. Despite the cult of youth and the fact that smiling increases the depth of facial wrinkles, March 19 is widely celebrated as Let's Laugh Day.
Folk arts and crafts have been preserved in many regions of the globe. Craftsmen produce handmade products from natural materials, which are valued for their uniqueness and high quality. Products labeled as "Hand made" are in demand all over the world.
Reading books aloud to children is not just a way to attract a child’s attention to literature as an art form, but also an excellent opportunity for representatives of different generations to spend time together. Books help a child immerse himself in the fascinating world of fairy tales and adventures, calm the psyche, and help him go to sleep faster.
The disposable plastic syringe was invented in 1956 by veterinarian Colin Medoc from New Zealand. The invention became an alternative to bulky reusable instruments that had to be sterilized after each injection. On March 19, pharmacists and medical workers celebrate Syringe Day.
Holidays in Finland - Equality Day (Minna Canth`s Day) (Tasa-arvon paiva, Minna Canth`s Day)
Catholic holidays - Saint Joseph's Day
The holiday takes its name in honor of St. Constantine and 41 other martyrs, whose memory is honored by the Orthodox Church on this day. There was a tradition among the people in Constantine circles to take care of wells. They performed the ritual of compacting snow around their well. It was forbidden to quarrel on this day and speak swear words, it was forbidden to drink and slander others.
World Day of Social Work
Orthodox holidays March 19:
Day of honoring the icons of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, the Blessed Heaven and Shestokovskaya

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