Holidays 20 may
On May 20, 1875, an international diplomatic conference took place. During the meeting, 17 participating countries (including Russia) signed the first international agreement on intergovernmental cooperation in the field of creating a single metrological space. Subsequently, more than 30 countries joined the Meter Convention.
The Volga is the pride of the country, a storehouse of natural resources, a breadwinner. Songs and poems are dedicated to her. The beauty of this river resonates with the soul of a Russian person. The holiday in question is intended to draw attention to its environmental vulnerability.
This event provides an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to all who fight for human life every day. On this special day, traumatologists accept sincere words of gratitude and memorable gifts. Everyone involved in this industry participates in the celebration. These include traumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, drug and equipment developers, and additional personnel.
On May 20, 1873, Levi Strauss & Co received a patent for the production of jeans. Initially, jeans were made from canvas; pants were worn by gold miners from California, sailors and port workers. Over time, denim trousers began to be worn by representatives of all classes and ages.
Today, science knows more than 15 thousand varieties of bees. One hive produces up to 150 kg of honey during the year. During its production, bees fly around more than 8 million plants to collect nectar. The holiday calls on farmers and the state to work on preserving the natural habitats of bees and hives in hollows, and reducing the level of pesticides used to grow honey plants.
Fun Holidays - Spill Festival
European Maritime Day
Cameroon Holidays - Unitary State Day (National Day)
Holidays of Ukraine - Day of Bank Workers
Holidays of Ukraine - Day of Sign Language Interpreter
Lithuanian holidays - Kaunas City Day
The holiday is so named for the ritual of bathing horses in rivers. People believed that the water at Bath was endowed with miraculous properties, so the owners drove their horses to the reservoirs and led them into knee-deep water. Sometimes the day was called Kupavnitsa, in honor of a short plant with yellow flowers. The plant began to bloom by this day, and moist soils or reservoirs were considered the best places for its habitat.
Queen Victoria Day in Canada
Orthodox holidays on May 20:
Feast of the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God
Feast of the Lyubech Icon of the Mother of God
Memorial Day of St. John of Zedazni and his 12 disciples
Feast of the miraculous appearance of the Holy Cross in the sky in Jerusalem
Memorial Day of St. Nil of Sorsky
Memorial Day of St. Jesse of Tsilkansky
Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Akakios

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