The life of a modern person is characterized by a frantic pace and a large number of events, which often bring confusion and even real chaos into it This leads to increased levels of anxiety and chronic stress In some cases, it is useful to let go of the situation - stop participating in the "rat race", stop controlling everything and worrying about thwarted plans To this end, November 14th is the Day of Relaxation and Carefreeness (Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day)
The Zen approach to life began to be practiced at the beginning of the last century by a certain Stephanie West Allen According to one version, she is considered the founder of Carefree Day, which exists “to remind people of all the benefits of joy and laughter” Stress in a figurative sense is the absolute killer of everything good in life And trying to control things that can quickly get out of control is just one way to bring it into your life Everyone who celebrates the holiday is advised to relax on November 14 and look at life with humor
To promote the concept of carefreeness, visit the comedy film Ferris Bueller Takes a Day Off His hero, a high school student from the suburbs of Chicago, manages to spend the day completely carelessly, letting everything take its course, getting into various adventures and funny situations At the end of the film, Ferris Bueller warns viewers: "Life moves pretty fast If you don't stop and look around every now and then, you might miss it"
Yoga and meditation are the surest way to achieve inner peace and balance Therefore, on November 14, you should go to the fitness club for Pilates, a sauna, and sign up for a relaxing massage or other spa treatment This will allow you to free yourself from both physical and mental pain and anxiety
The holiday encourages people to stop worrying about various troubles and stop engaging in self-criticism Yes, there is nothing good in frequent lateness to work, poor grades at school and a protracted conflict with a friend But this does not mean that you need to endlessly scroll through these and other situations in your head Let them go Show a little carefree and irrational approach to life on Relaxation Day Yes, you can be angry at the driver who cut off your car in an endless traffic jam Or you can make fun of the situation: call a friend and tell him how hilarious the big-nosed weirdo looked in a V-9 without a muffler, which blocked your path And I almost stalled after this maneuver
On the Day of Relaxation and Carefreeness, it is customary to reduce anxiety not only with the help of laughter, but also to saturate life with pleasant things that can bring joy to it This could be a visit to a cafe, a walk in the park, watching “Pretty Woman” or another favorite melodrama with comedy elements The creators of the holiday also show us a good sense of humor They suggest repeating out loud or silently throughout the day “LULU” - an abbreviation of the words from the English title “Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day”, ie "Let go! Relax!"
"Calm, just calm!" - the charming goofball Carlson liked to say The day of relaxation and carefree encourages us to stop being nervous over trifles and to step away for a while from the hustle and bustle of life Even if you are a real bore, a perfectionist and a pedant who keeps everything under control, it is worth trying to let go of the reins at least once a year Try it, maybe you like it?