The most unusual and sweet holiday, Raspberry Jam Day, is celebrated annually on August 16th The tradition of making jam from healthy and tasty berries at the end of summer appeared quite a long time ago, but the date of celebration in honor of this dessert was determined only a few years ago
It turns out that “Raspberry Jam Day” began to be celebrated on August 16 only in 2015 on the initiative of the online culinary community This date was not chosen by chance It was decided to coincide with the ancient holiday of Malinnik, which was associated with the ripening of berries and harvesting
Jam made from aromatic and tasty fruits is considered the most popular dessert made from raspberries His recipe appeared many years ago The first mentions of its cultivation are found in sources from Ancient Greece Unusual bushes with red and very sweet berries were grown on the island of Crete The ancient Romans saw this plant on Mount Ida in the 3rd century That is why the name of raspberry in Latin is “rubus idaeus”
It is known that fragrant raspberry fruits appeared in Rus' thanks to Yuri Dolgoruky It was she who brought this plant to the country and planted raspberry bushes in her garden People really liked the sweet berries and they began to be grown in almost every family Fruit-bearing bushes are unpretentious and do not require special growing conditions
Celebrations in most cases are very fun and exciting Raspberry Jam Day is a good reason to gather all your relatives and friends around a large table and enjoy the unique taste of raspberry jam Housewives can surprise guests with delicious pastries with raspberry filling
On this day, cafes and other catering establishments organize tastings of jam prepared according to different recipes New desserts made with raspberry jam appear on the menu
In many Russian cities, fairs open on August 16, and fascinating master classes are held on preparing aromatic desserts from berries In the Ryazan region they even organize a raspberry festival, where they demonstrate ripe berries of different varieties and also prepare jam from them A special festive program is prepared for those present, with performances by dance groups and singers
The benefits of this sweet and aromatic dessert can hardly be overestimated The berries contain vitamins E, A, PP, B2, iron, copper and other microelements, fiber, and carbohydrates Glucose and fructose are present in them in large quantities
The seeds of the berries consist of 22% fatty oil, so they are very often used to make cosmetics
Raspberry jam is considered the best remedy for colds It has a diaphoretic effect, which can reduce body temperature Also, a delicious dessert improves immunity and has antimicrobial activity