Memorial Day of St. Theophan the Confessor

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of StMemorial Day of St. Theophan the Confessor Theophan of Sigrian on March 25 The venerable confessor lived in Byzantium in the 8th century during the time of iconoclasm and became known for his strong beliefs in icon veneration; his actions are also recognized by the Catholic Church Theophanes was born into a noble family that had family relations with the Byzantine emperor His birth and excellent education provided the young man with rapid career growth, as well as a bride from a high-born and wealthy family But even then, despite his life prospects, the young man was thinking about Christian truths and higher spirituality By mutual agreement, Theophanes and his wife adhere to chastity, preparing themselves for monasticism The monastic rule of the newlyweds did not suit the father of the newlywed, and the father-in-law decides to send them to Sigrian to resolve important matters There the couple meets the hermit Gregory Stratigius The venerable elder uttered a prophecy about the crown of martyrdom prepared for Theophan, which confirmed the visitors’ decision to devote themselves to monastic life Having accepted monastic vows from Elder Gregory and received a blessing, the future monk sets up a monastic monastery, in which he becomes abbot Feofan, along with other novices, performs the most difficult work and strictly honors the monastic rules Thanks to his great spiritual power, he was given the gift of healing people and casting out their demons Many people found health and peace after turning to the monk Rumors about a noble rich man who became a poor monk-miracle worker spread far beyond Sigrian Empress Irina herself wished to see Theophan the Confessor at the Ecumenical Council, where the foundations of icon veneration were approved But soon the faithful Irina is replaced on the throne by a completely different ruler Leo the Armenian was an opponent of holy icons and Theophan, as an icon-venerator, falls into disgrace with the cruel emperor After much persuasion and sweet promises, and then torture, Elder Theophan, firm in his convictions, is imprisoned, where the monk finds his eternal peace In folk tradition, March 25 was considered the turning point of the final arrival of spring “Theophanes, break the crust,” the saying went There were also special weather signs of this day: - thick fog predicted a large harvest of flax and oats, to be sure of this sign, housewives fed the birds with flax grains; - the loud snorting of horses promised an imminent downpour; - warm and truly spring weather was a forecast of a rainy summer; - If they noticed sinking, unmelted ice on the river, they knew for sure that the coming year would not produce a good harvest

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