World Candy Day, celebrated annually on October 18, is the main holiday for all those with a sweet tooth But it is celebrated not only by lovers of sweet treats, but also by those involved in their production Therefore, on this day you can do the following:
1 Congratulate familiar confectioners, employees of companies producing candies and other sweets2 Learn interesting facts from the history of the appearance of sweets3 Treat yourself to your favorite delicacy and treat your friends and relatives to it
It is no longer possible to track the moment the sweets appeared, but according to one version, their homeland is Ancient Egypt And this happened by accident, as in the case of many other culinary masterpieces Some Egyptian simply knocked over the vessels with honey, nuts and figs The contents of the vessels were mixed, but they did not throw it away After all, the resulting mixture had a wonderful taste
According to the official version, the appearance of sweets dates back to the 17th century But then they were considered not a delicacy, but a medicine Sweets were sold in pharmacies as a remedy for coughs, insomnia and nervous disorders, for vigor and quick recovery from illness But the patients liked the sweet medicine so much that they soon began to sell it in regular stores Later, confectioners began to make them, developing their own unique recipes, which were kept secret from competitors
The traditional ingredients of sweets are crushed dried fruits and nuts, as well as honey and sugar A Belgian pharmacist began using chocolate for their production in 1857 But long before that, candy was made in Rus' using maple syrup and honey At that time, all sweets without exception were made exclusively by hand, which allowed craftsmen to show their imagination This is how the classic lollipops in the shape of cockerels appeared
In the twentieth century, candy production became widespread This has led to a reduction in the cost of such sweets and their greater availability to all segments of the population But mass production resulted in the fact that the candies became less natural and began to contain artificial flavors, preservatives and dyes As a result, they turned from a clearly useful delicacy into one that brings no benefit to the body at all The exception is natural products, but they are more expensive than regular chocolates
Today, in many countries, on World Candy Day, thematic events are held: master classes on creating handmade sweets, exhibitions, lectures Confectioners and manufacturing companies take part in them Such delicacies leave no one indifferent Some avoid them, considering them to be definitely harmful, while others cannot imagine drinking tea without their favorite chocolates, toffees, lollipops, caramels or marmalade Children especially love candy; girls and boys from all over the world are unanimous about this