Cereals, namely bread, have always had a special place, so no one is surprised that a special day is dedicated to this product In 1945, on October 16, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) began its activities The essence of her work was to solve problems regarding agricultural development And 5 years later, the UN General Assembly issued a resolution proclaiming World Bread Day The day of celebration coincided with the day of creation of FAO - October 16 In 2006, the UN re-approved this date This holiday is considered international, it is known and celebrated all over the world
In addition to International Bread Day, there are other holidays dedicated to it For example, Khlebny Spas, Day of Bread and Salt (Agafin's Day), Harvest Festival (in Belarus), Bread Day in different countries These days, it is customary to remember ancient traditions and customs - to bake bread from the grain of the new harvest, to surround the home with bread and salt, to honor the people whose work is associated with the production of bread
In many countries, exhibitions of bread products are held, fairs are held, and leading bakers, culinary specialists and confectioners conduct master classes The best specialists hold conferences in national and international formats Folk festivals are held everywhere, charity events are held, where volunteers and activists raise funds and also distribute bread to everyone who wants and needs it At fairs and exhibitions you can taste different types of bread and bread products, as well as expand your horizons by learning a lot about the production of a valuable product, its history and traditions All over the world, bakers and grain growers receive congratulations and thanks for their difficult but very useful work
World Bread Day is another way to draw public attention to the problems of hunger and poverty around the world On this day, those who actively participate in fairs decorate their clothes with grains From all sides you can hear songs and ditties about bread
In almost every family, at least one meal is accompanied by bread Even if you are on a diet, bread and crackers are still present in the house And this applies to all nationalities In past centuries, bread was the most striking indicator of a family’s well-being Only wealthy people could afford white bread, but the poor class could only eat a product made from rye flour It was only in the 20th century that people learned about the benefits of rye and grain bread - and even then these types became popular
According to research, the first bread products appeared approximately 8 thousand years ago At first, the shape of the bread product was flat - that is, ordinary flat cakes The cereal was mixed with water, the dough was kneaded, and then baked on hot stones There is no definitive version of how our ancestors came up with baking bread It is believed that the culprit was accident and carelessness, when the grain mixture overflowed over the edge of the pot during cooking and baked on the hot surface Since then, baked bread has been an integral part of the daily diet of almost every person
The first yeast bread was baked by the Egyptians Even then, references to bread were found in ancient manuscripts - the product was designated by a circle with a dot in the center
Nowadays, a person eats about 35 thousand rolls in his entire life, which equals approximately 7 tons of bread Previously, only round bread was baked, but now you can find baked goods of various shapes, using various technologies Bread is still baked at home, in ovens and bread machines