There are thousands of different dishes that are considered healthy, tasty and nutritious Relatively recently, in 2009, International Porridge Day was established, which is celebrated on October 10
Many people wonder why porridge received such an honor There are different opinions, but the main explanation is that it is a very affordable and nutritious product, which is extremely important in modern conditions, where many people do not have the opportunity to buy something more expensive It was out of charity motives that the idea of organizing this holiday arose There are many organizations, usually European and American, that strive to help people in poor countries in Africa, Asia, and South America Unfortunately, it will not be possible to provide everyone with fish and meat due to the objective high cost of these products But porridge will be an excellent alternative in terms of health benefits, environmental friendliness, and nutritional value
It is believed that this simple product saved thousands of people from starvation It is not surprising that World Porridge Day was created in gratitude It originated in the UK, where there are many international charities Another factor that the holiday originated in Great Britain was English traditions Many people know how touching the British are about oatmeal, considering it an integral part of centuries-old traditions In this way, the British paid tribute to their favorite national dish
Currently, Porridge Day usually means charity On this day, in many countries around the world there is a free distribution of food, including nutritious cereals Also on this day, various culinary master classes are held In addition, fun and exciting competitions are organized, for example, to identify the winner who can prepare a dish with porridge the fastest or offer the most original recipe Fantasy is limitless, and October 10 becomes a special day where you can combine useful things for society and just have fun by inventing a variety of recipes
Today this holiday is dedicated not only to oatmeal, but also to other types of porridges: buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, corn, semolina, rice and other types Every person, nation, diaspora celebrating this day chooses their favorite recipe Not all peoples in the world are as reverent of oatmeal as the inhabitants of Foggy Albion
And, of course, on this day people can hear the truth, which is not always a delight to the ears In particular, the issue of the planet's rapidly growing population and limited resources is raised Questions are also being raised about how to feed people living in unfavorable regions of the planet Of course, the sensitive topic of the inevitable reduction in the area of fertile lands due to too aggressive human activity is raised Problems related to environmental protection do not go unnoticed As you can see, Porridge Day was created precisely to raise pressing issues for humanity related to providing people with food Thus, this holiday is simultaneously educational, informative, entertaining and charitable
It cannot be said that many people have heard about Porridge Day, but gradually the popularity of this holiday is growing It is mainly celebrated in the countries of the Eurasian region, as well as in North America
It is difficult to say for sure why this particular October day was chosen But it is believed that October was chosen because it is considered the month of harvest In October, farmers cultivate giant fields of corn, wheat, barley and other crops that become the basis of this unpretentious, but tasty and healthy dish