Holidays 27 february
Polar, northern, white - its international scientific name is Ursus maritimus - sea bear. The largest land mammal of the order of carnivores is being honored with annual public attention due to the possible threat of population decline.
The realities of the modern world have forced us to reconsider the concept of special events and the units that are responsible for their implementation. In 2013, new military formations appeared in the Armed Forces. The creation of the Special Operations Forces began in 2009 with the deployment of the Special Operations Directorate, which reports directly to the Chief of the General Staff.
It has been established that people with a positive attitude towards life get sick less often than pessimists. An optimist has many friends. Even pessimists like them, since a cheerful person effectively helps to cope with life's adversities. It is not surprising that these cheerful people deserve their own holiday - February 27 - International Optimist Day.
February 27 marks International Pokemon Day, a unique holiday dedicated to the monsters from the old game for the Nintendo console, which is now a quarter of a century old.
According to the scientist, the sincere expression of emotions of joy and happiness involves not only the corners of the lips, but also the muscles around the eyes. The signs of this genuine smile were revealed by the Frenchman Guillaume Duchesne. It is the opposite of the false grimace of joy that a person puts on out of decency and etiquette.
The most popular among all famous Georgian dishes is khachapuri - open or closed flatbread with egg, butter and cheese. This type of bread is baked in an oven or clay pot. There are more than 50 types of khachapuri according to the region of their preparation - Adjarian, Mingrelian, Guril, Meskhetian, Tusheti, etc.
The symptom of complete loss of smell is called anosmia. It can be temporary or permanent, congenital or acquired, and is most often associated with respiratory diseases. The ability to distinguish odors allows a person to experience pleasure from food and the aroma of flowers, and to receive signals of danger (for example, at the first sign of a fire or gas leak).
World Spay Day
World NGO Day is celebrated annually on February 27th. It was on this day in 1959 that the term "international non-governmental organization" was used in a UN resolution. Such social groups are also called the third sector. They imply associations of people who strive to help others and do not aim to make profit.
The name of the day is partly taken from a church holiday - the honor of St. Cyril, who became one of the first teachers of Christianity among the Slavs. On St. Cyril’s Day, there was a tradition of trampling snow in gardens in order to retain the maximum amount of water for the earth when the weather warmed up. Weather signs for this day: if frost struck on a given day, they expected a hot, dry summer, and if a thaw occurred, they prepared for the coming frosts.
Orthodox holidays on February 27:
Memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, teacher of Slovenia
Memorial Day of the Monk Maron, the Hermit of Syria

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