Holidays 4 march
Obesity in the 21st century has become a global problem that affects the adult and child population of most countries. March 4 is World Obesity Day, which is intended to draw attention to this pathology and the need to prevent the disease.
Drunkenness has long been considered a national problem. Drunkenness and being indecent in public was considered “offensive to human dignity and public morality” behavior. The day of creation of medical sobering-up stations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considered to be March 4, 1940.
The length of this wardrobe item became extremely short in the 60s of the twentieth century. The development of the hippie subculture, the rise of feminism and other revolutionary processes led to the emancipation of women all over the world. Fashionistas all over the world celebrate on March 4 a holiday of beauty and perfection of form - the birthday of the miniskirt.
This term is quite often used to refer pejoratively to people who wear glasses. In this particular case there is nothing wrong with it. You could even say that this is a “professional” holiday for those who have poor eyesight, started wearing glasses and turned them into a stylish accessory, an important part of their image.
It was on this day in 1877 that American inventor Emil Berliner received his patent for a microphone. The device was a hermetically sealed capsule. Inside, between two metal plates, there was coal powder. Therefore, the device was presented to the public as a carbon microphone.
Engineering requires not only ingenuity and knowledge of physics, mathematics, economics, but also a number of other disciplines. The contribution of professionals in this industry to the development of scientific and technological progress is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, March 4 is celebrated as World Engineering Day.
Holidays in Belarus - Police Day
Lithuanian holidays - St. Casimir's Day
International holidays - International Scrapbooking Industry Day
The day is named in honor of two of the 70 apostles - Saints Archippus and Philemon, whose memory is revered in the Orthodox calendar on this date. People performed a ritual with a loaf on Arkhip for greater yields this year. The loaf itself was baked from wheat flour; it symbolized the sun - the source of heat and light, most revered by the peasants.
Theater Cashier Day in Russia
Orthodox holidays on March 4:
Memorial Day of St. Theodore of Sanaksar

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